white as an alabaster vase ; enfin , the very counterpart
of my Louise."
" Which," interposed the Count laughing, " is the very abstraction of perfection."
"Not all perfection, noble Colonel," resumed François ; " for, seeing that I am ever imperfect" —'t was the first time the valet had ever been known to speak disparagingly of himself or his proportions. "Were she interpreter. Then do the startling sigh and trickling tear, the dumb eloquence of the heart, declare more truly the intensity of love than the wildest and most impassioned accents of endearment. And thus it was with Raymond and Isandra- each wished to speak, yet knew not how to break the spell that choked their utterance. At last Isandra dissolved the charm as she observed perfect, her perfections and my imperfections" -the in a low and melancholy tone, “ I know not why it is, rascal's face belied his words-" would be continually yet so it is, dearest Raymond, a feeling of sadness steals at variance ; but she has just so many faults- nor ought upon me now in my happiest moments. That parting they to be denominated faults-say, rather, noble Count, sun ever recalls the image of my own dear land, upon failings- nor yet failings, slight and venial peccadilloes the limits of whose empire they say of old he flung his -or, as our Abbé used to describe them, evanescent orient and his setting beams ; but now, torn by intestine shadows upon the mirrored purity of the virgin mind, commotion and foreign invasion, its borders are daily which only serve to bring their virtues into stronger contracting, till at last it will dwindle to a span, a speck relief." upon the world's disc, without a name." "Be it so, then," said St. Croix, growing impatient "Dearest idol of my heart," replied De Beauvoir, at the recital of a panegyric upon the female excellencies “ why give way to such despondency ? That sun sleeps of François' mistress, which he had already listened to but to rise again refreshed in glory and light ; and so more than a thousand and one times. " Be ready to shall it be with your own Spain. Nations, like indiviact promptly upon my orders this evening, of whatever duals, have their vicissitudes ; or, if it be that Heaven, nature they may happen to be, both as to time and in its wisdom , has decreed that the sword shall desolate place." The valet bowed a respectful assent to his its plains, then let my island home be your adopted master's instructions. country-England, the land of the brave and free- her On the evening of the day upon which the above coasts are iron bound, but the hearts of her sons are conversation took place, Raymond de Belvoir and the warm. Castile shall then be ever present to your view, Lady Isandra were observed to promenade, as usual, ❘ for love shall make all England Castile to you. Rather upon the shores of the Adour, following the course of is this melancholy the inseparable companion of adoring the river toward the estuary. It wanted yet one hour hearts. In the sunniest hour of the noon a sense of of sunset, and glorious was the picture which every thing stillness and solitude will pervade the landscape ; so in above and around presented. A dreamy stillness-the love, ' tis the gloom and shadow of uncertainty which Jull and hush of life pervaded the atmosphere. Toward fosters that sweet perplexity upon which it lives." the Spanish frontiers the shades of night were descend" Yet do my fears," rejoined the lady, " begin to ing upon the tops of the Pyrenees, deepening the gloom assume something more of substance than before. 'Tis of the mountain vistas, whilst in the far west a flood of scarce a fortnight since the Count St. Croix and I have carmine was poured upon the waves, as the glowing orb been made acquainted, and during the period he has of life stole from the blood-red arch amidst the rapture never ceased to teaze me with his importunities, but of creation ; earth and sky seeming to embrace in a after so insulting a fashion, as if it were a condescension transport of voluptuous light, as the conqueror sunk to on his part to notice me. Three times have I observed his rest like a warrior upon the battle-field, and the him dogging our evening walk ; fearing, however, some sparkling bay resounded with the shout of waves that very unpleasant rencontre, I hesitated to apprise you of upraised themselves to kiss, as it were, the skirts of the it ; but now, dearest Raymond, my fears for your perreceding God. Then all again was still ; the glowing sonal safety have overcome my discretion, and I speak air stirred faintly as a pulse, and day died like the echoes to warn you in time. Yet be not rash-if not for yourof a song. Next came the soft witchery of twilight, the self, yet on my account. What would be this dreary Sabbath hour of the day, and the stars one by one lit up world without thee-years of cold and blank existence, their bivouac fires in the dome of the world's temple, bringing, in their rotation, but one chilling sense, that whilst the panting of its great heart" grew faint, that come what may to others, all must be dark and desolate the vesper song of praise might ascend to Him who had to me ; and that one heart, the possession of which worded all into the immensity of space. would have made an Eden of my days, is gone and As in woe there is a stupefaction, which causes the gone for ever." "Miscreant ! hath he dared to pollute your ears with unhappy to sleep when exhausted by affliction, so in the mystic union of fond hearts, there is a depth and his ribald tongue !" cried De Beauvoir, no longer able holiness of feeling, of which silence is the best and only to restrain his indignation. "By the God that called