MATERIALS.-White and black pound beads, line of beads. Work spirally in this manner, (in the whole two pounds ; ) strong white and fastening each stitch so that the size round black cotton. always remains the same ; work closely also Any colors may be chosen-blue and white, that the thread may not show between the red and white, etc. , to suit the room, according stitches. The design represents a bell- pull to taste. about two yards in length, for which both the For the bell-pull, make a chain of twenty white and black rounds must be each about stitches with milk-white beads strung upon three yards long. The black is worked in the strong white cotton, and close them in a ring ; same manner as the white, and the two are upon these crochet twenty double stitches, at first sewn, then neatly twisted together. It is each stitch pushing up a bead close in front of better to put a cord in at the beginning of the the needle, so that it is fastened tightly in with crochet, and work round it to strengthen the the stitch. Always arrange in such a manner bell-pull. that the beads all turn outwardly, and lie close A ring is fastened at the top to attach the to each other, whilst the crochet stitch is fast- pull to the wire, and an ornamental glass or ened in the front of the bead inside the hollow metal handle is used at the bottom. 387