cut two equal parts of two inches and threequarters long, and half an inch broad, and two parts of two inches long, and half an inch broad. Stitch both parts round with lilac filoselle, with which work the ornamental part round the edge of the upper cover, consisting of two stitches lying close together, as well as the cross stripe of the bent back, according to the design. The two small parts for the case must be sewn together crosswise, and sewn all together to the under cover with lilac silk in
such a manner that two and two stitches follow closely upon each other, and form an ornamental part like that upon the upper cover. Lastly, only join the book back at two places, and so that it remains moveable. Gum on to the inside of the case a white sarsnet ribbon, three-quarters of an inch broad and six inches long, half an inch from the back, to raise the leaves, and fasten similar ones to the inside of both covers to close the Album. The size of the text-leaves must be regulated by the size of the case.
LONG streamers of reins, commencing at the back of the neck and terminating considerably below the waist, are very popular both for morning and evening toilets. The handsomest description of lockets are now suspended on velvet instead of short, gold necklets, as formerly. We here give a design, by which any one so inclined can make an ornament of this variety at but little cost and trouble. Cut out a double heart in cardboard and cover both with crimson velvet. The upper side is adorned with an anchor worked in jet beads, which must be drawn and embroidered on the velvet before the two sides of the heart are seamed together. A small loop of crimson velvet is sewn between the hearts, and when finished, it is suspended on a long piece of crimson ribbon velvet, which is tied in long falling loops at the back of the neck.