MATERIALS . -White crystal beads, round pearl beads of two sizes ; fine white flower-wire, silver-wire; a small piece of cardboard ; colored,satin or velvet ; a little wadding. Our design represents the watchpocket in a reduced size. Its greatest height is six inches, and it measures three inches at the broadest part. Cover one side-the front- of the cardboard with a little wadding, and both sides with colored silk or velvet. The bead- work is a kind of little chain-work of crystal bead rings looped together, ornamented with pearl beads, and joined together with crystal beadloops. The pocket-like part has three such lines worked with two wire ends. The undermost line requires seven rings ornamented with pearl beads, the second eleven, and the uppermost thirteen. Begin each line with eighteen crystal beads, join them in a ring so that the two wire ends run in opposite directions through two beads. For each of the following rings put on nine beads upon one of the wire ends, upon the other seven, and close in a ring as at the first. At the closing of a finished chain- line make use of one of the wire ends to put on the pearl beads, as shown in the design. The outer bead-loop, and the upper and & Continue this until there are twenty-five rings. under of the three chain lines contain eighteen The outer bead-loop requires twenty-four beads. beads. The circumference of the pocket at the Finish by joining the pocket part to the cardwidest part is four inches, the top two inches. board at a little distance from the outer edge, The outer trimming is composed of similar bead- and close to that put on the trimming as neatly rings, which, however, are larger, and orna- as possible, that the stitches may not show. The mented with larger pearl beads and larger ends of the latter meet at the upper point of the loops. The first ring requires thirty beads ; cardboard. Then make the loop with the ends and after having closed this as before, put six- of the wire according to design. For hanging teen beads on one of the wire ends, and four- up the watch, take a white hook, and ornamen teen on the other, fastening in the same manner. it with crystal beads. 458