stitch upon the needle, take them from the needle all together with one chain, then crochet another chain and conclude the row with three plain stitches. No. 2 shows the pattern in full
MATERIALS. -One ounce and a quarter of white Berlin wool, one skein of rose-colored filoselle, crochet-hook, No. 13, bell gauge. Work in rows forward and backward. The upper part is ornamented with little shells, increasing in number toward the front of the gaiter. Commence with fifty stitches. The chain should be loose. Work the first row plain in double stitch, increasing one stitch in the last, sticking always in the back thread . The first pattern is worked at the end of the second row. For this lay the thread round the needle, stick over the first row into the last stitch but threethe forty-sixth stitch of the first row- and draw a loop through . When there are four of these double loops formed by sticking in the same VOL. LVI.- 25
size, with the mode of working it, sticking theneedle over into the last row but one as before . mentioned . The upper-edge is in straight lines. At the under edge, as far as the middle, increase . one stitch at the conclusion of each row. At the end of the fourth row work two shell : patterns in reversed order, and afterward the Iremainder in the same manner. The first of these two patterns commences in the sixth stitch . reckoning backward from the edge ; the latter must meet the last edge stitch but one. 6th row contains three shell patterns sepa-rated by three double. 8th row: Work six double to form the beginning of the gore ; work back upon these six : stitches, and at the end make thirteen chain to begin the front of the foot ; upon this chain work thirteen double, then six double upon the six stitches of the gore, and six stitches further on to lengthen it. Work back again to the end of the foot. From here work as far as the front middle of the gaiter three entire rows forward and twoback. In the first of these three rows forward ! work five shell patterns, six in the second, and eight in the third ; then continue the work in the same manner in the opposite direction until you . have reached the row with one shell: The back of the gaiter requires twenty-two rows with the patterns arranged in two little scallops. Each scallop begins like the front with one shell. The longest pattern row contains five patterns. All the rows are worked in straight lines except the eleventh and twelfth. 383