HENRY SEYMOUR & CO. 52 Beekman St. , N. Y. New and elegant in design, of superior material and workmanship, and elegant finish. The blades are secured by a simple contrivance , and the screw cannot possibly work loose. Every pair warranted. Sent by mail, postfree, on receipt of For Ladies' Shears (ordinary size)....... $1.00 Family Shears (larger handles) 1.50 THE STATEN ISLAND FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, BARRET, NEPHEWS & CO. Office, Nos. 5 and 7 John Street. Have opened a New Branch Office, at Nos. 1,142 Broadway, one door from Twenty-Sixth St. for the convenience oftheir up-town customers. All styles of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Garments Dyed or Cleaned. Ladies' Dresses, Cloaks, etc. ( of all fabrics,) Cleaned, and Gentlemen's Coats, Overcoats, Pants, Vests. etc. Dyed or Cleaned, without ripping. Kid Gloves and Feathers Dyed or cleaned. Linen and Muslin Window Shades, Chintz, etc. Cleaned and Glazed. BARRETT, NEPHEWS & CO. 5 and 7 John Street, New York. Branch Offices :-1,142 Broadway; 269 Fulton Street. Brooklyn; 47 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia ; 110 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore.
The Most Popular Corset ever introduced into the America Manet. The Strongest proof of the excellence and popularity of this Corset is found in the numerous attempts to palm off worthlessimitations as the genuine imported "Glove-Fitting." We therefore call special attention to our stamp, which is alwaysto be found on genuinegomis, and thewhich we give a of fac-simile below. TRADE MARK. N. B.-All infring THOMSON'S PATENT) ersofPatent or of our IMPROVED GLOV Copyrigh t in Name, EFITT will "Glove-Fitting," ING Le prosecuted.
THOMPSON, LANGDON & CO. FOR SAMPLE STOCKING! 391 Broadway, N. Y. Simples and Circulars of Lamb's Family Knitting Machine and Chicopee Sewing Machine. Address, enclosing Sole Importers and Patentees for the United States. stamp, JAS. D. ÖRNE & CO., General Agents, 1 & 3 Market St., Rochester, New York; or 922 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. GEO. P. ROWELL & CO. THE MAGIC COMB will change any colored hair Tor beard to a permanent Black or Brown. One Comb sent by Mail for $1. For sale by Merchants and Druggists generally. Ade ress Magic Comb Co., Springfield, Mass. ADVERTISING AGENTS , THOMPSON'S
No. 40 PARK ROW, N. Y. PATENT SLEEPING COLLAR, For Retaining Bed Clothes over Children. Allows perfect freedom of movement. Effectually secures the Bed-t'lothes. Applied ina moment and requires no further trouble. [From Mrs. Stowe's Hearth and Home, Aug. 14.] "A simple and effective contrivance forkeeping the Bed- SEND FOR OUR 24 PAGE CIRCULAR clothes on children who kick in their sleep. Parents who fnd thattheir children are constantly taking cold because Which contains : A List of over One Thousand Newsthey throw the covering off, can surely afford to invest a papers, dollar in an article, whichobviates this difficulty." Sent, post-paid, on receipt of $1. (THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUMS) THOMPSON BROS., 39 Park Row, New York. How I made it in Six Months And price cards showing advertising rates, and much $ 1140 Secret and sample mailed free. A. J. Fullam valuable information on the subject of advertising, No York. OMETHING NEW.- In musical circles the Estey Organs are the rage. They are the most durable FREE FOR 3 CENT STAMP. and have the finest tone, remarkable for their sweetness and pover. The Vox Humana and Vor Jubilante are the greatest novelties and best inventions ever introduced. J. Address, ESTEY & CO., Brattleboro, Vt.. Sole Manfacturers. USE B. A. FARINESTOCK'S VERMIFUGE. GEO. P. ROWELL & CO. AGENTS ! READ THIS ! WE WILL FAY AGENTS A SALARY Advertising Agents, Wet $30 per week and expenses, or allow a large commission, to sell our new and wonderful inventions. Address M. WAGNER & CO., Marshall, Mich. 40 Park Row, N. Y.