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ADVERTISEMENTS . LADIES ? DO YOU LOVE FLOWERS AND GARDENING ? READ THE HORTICULTURIST, NEW YORK. EVERY NUMBER gives good practical directions for the care of your Garden, has beautiful illustrations of new and choice Flowers, and plans for Flower Gardens. SPLENDID PREMIUMS of new Roses, Lilies and Books, given for new subscribers. Send stamp for illustrated prospectus or specimen copy. HENRY T. WILLIAMS, Prop'r, 37 Park Row., N. Y. ATENTS.-MUMM & CO. Editors SCIENTIFIC AMERIPA CAN, 37 Park Row, New York. Twenty-three years' experience in obtaining AMERICAN and EUROPEAN PATENTS . Opinions no charge. A pamphlet, 108 pages of law and information free. Address as above.

HOWE'S MUSICAL MONTHLY. In each No. 36 worth of first-class Piano Music for 35 cents. No. 3 contains 3 full sets of Waltzes ; 8 Galops, Polkas, &c.; by Strauss, Gungl, Faust, &c.; 10 songs, such as "Gypsy's Warning," "Tassels on her Boots," " Love's Request, " &c. 32 large pages, on extra sheet music paper. Terms $3 per year, in advance ; to clubs, 7 copies for $18. Single Nos. sent by mail, post-paid, for 35 cents, or 7 for $2. For sale by all Music and Periodical dealers . ELIAS HOWE, 103 Court Street, Boston. $10.00 PER DAY GUARANTEED Agents to sell the HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. It makes the LOCK STITCH, ALIKE ON ROTH SIDES, has the underfeed, and is equal in every respect to any Sewing Machine ever invented . Price $25. Warranted for 5 years. Sead for circular. Address JOHNSON, CLARK & Co., Boston, Mass., Pittsburgh, Pa., or St. Louis, Mo.

$20 A DAY, TO MALE AND FEMALE Agents to introduce the BUCKEYE $20 SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINES. Stitch alike on both sides, and is the only LICENSED SHUTTLE MACHINE in the mar ket sold for less than $40. All others are infringements, and the seller and user are liable to prosecution and imprisonment. Full particulars free. Address W. A. HENDERSON & CO., Cleveland, Ohio. IRE EXTINGUISHER, PLANT SYRINGE FIRE EXTINGUISHERGINEANT $3. Send stamp for circulars to N. E. P. PUMP CO., Danvers, Mass. Indispensable to every Household ! Perfectly won$10 derful! Everybody buys at first sight ! Agents making fortunes ! Illustrated circulars free ! Address APEX S. M. CO., 208 Broadway, N. Y.

FOR $ 100 PER LINE We will insert an advertisement in One Thousand Newspapers , one month. The List includes Single Papers of over 100,000 Circulation weekly, more than 100 Daily Papers , in which the advertiser obtains 24 insertions to the month, and the leading Papers in more than 500 different towns and cities. Complete Files can be examined at our office . Send Stamp for our Circular. Address GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., Advertising Agents, New York.


ཏུ ཏུ ཏྭ ཏྱཾ ཀུ ཤྩ དྭྱ ཥ ཥུ TO THE WORKING CLASS - I am now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at their homes, the Business whole of the or for the spare profitable. new, light andtime, Fifty centsmoments. to $5 per evening is easily earned by persons of either sex, and the boysabd girls earn nearly as much as men. Great inducelen's are offered those who will devote their whole time to the business ; and, that every person who sees notice , may send me their address and test the businessthis for themselves I make the following unparalleled offer : To all who are not well satisfied with the business, I will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing me. Full particulars , difeetions, &c ., sent free. Sample sent by mail for 10 cents. Address E. C. ALLEN, Augusta, Me. $ 3000 SALARY . Address U. S. PIANO C).. N. Y.

CIRCULAR TO ADVERTISERS SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS, CONTAINING A List ofSeven Hundred and Fifty choice Advertising mediums, sub-divided into more than 50 small Lists, with Price Cards showing the cost of any advertisements from one line to one column.

VINEGAR FROM CIDER WINE, MOLASSES or SORGHUM , in 1 hours, without using acids or drugs. Endorsed by the great chemists. For terms and other information, addr.-* F. I. SAGE, Cromwell, Cons.

A List of the leading Daily papers in all the large towns and cities of the United States and GEO. P. ROWELL & CO'S Canada. ADVERTISING AGENCY. A List of Two Hundred leading Weekly and " They have reduced advertising to a more perfeet sysMonthly publications, with estimates showing than has been known heretofore. "-Hazleton, ( E ) the cost of an advertisement of from 5 to 25 tem Sentinel, Oct. 31, 1867. lines, from one week to two months. "Whatever is prompt, methodical and straightforward. they practice in their dealings and only that.Bist`s A List of Prominent Advertisers who have pat- Commonwealth, Nor. 30, 1867. ronized this Advertising Agency, and letters " They now probably do the heaviest advertising bustshowing the opinions of such men concerning ness in the country." -Manchester ( N. H.) Daily Uni Jan. 25, 1858. the advantages it offers. " Their establishinent is perhaps the most extensive in the United States. "- Cape Ann Advertiser, Gloucester, ADDRESS Mass. " This firm is now the most substantial business hense for advertising in the country. "-American Mining Indiez, GEORGE P. ROWELL & CO. (N. Y) April 2, 1868. "With their reputation they can and do get the lowest ADVERTISING AGENTS and most advantageous terms." -Mishawaka, ( Ind.) terprise. We are prepared to receive advertise40 PARK ROW , N. Y. ments for all American Newspapers , at UILDERS Architee prices as low as can be obtained at the for Catalogue new all J. BE tural Books andsend Journals. Addressof A. BICKNELL & offices of publication. Co., Publishers, Troy, N. Y., or Springfield, Ill. GEO. P. ROWELL & CO . VINS' PATENT HAIR-CRIMPERS. - Every lady should ADVERTISING AGENTS, have them. For sale at Variety Stores. Made only by Philadelphia. E. IVINS, 1301 Marshall Street, 40 Park Row, N. I.