The Poets Offering for 1850. Edited by SaraH Josspha Hale. 100k, Philada: Grigg, Elliot $ Co-Both the de- ign and the execution of this gift-book are in the best taste The idea of the book is to give apecionena of the style of all the Englich and American poets, arranged under heads of appropriate sentiments, Thousands of quotutions, selected from about four hundred writers, are thos given. The editor, Mra. Hale, han excelled herself, If we may ao say, in the execution of her beautiful and ‘Useful design. ‘The selections ate invariably in the beat taste. ‘The fatness and completeness with whieh the prin- ‘cipal passions and seutimonta are illustrated descrves eape- cial notice: thus, under the bead of “Love,” we find ‘st least four bundred quotations. ‘The publishers bave printed, bound and illustrated the book with much taste. ‘Thera ate twelve mezzotints [a the volume, besides a Portrait of the editor, and an illamluated title-page, The type is now, the paper thick, and the style of binding, ‘whether in plain cloth ot in Turkey moroceo, substautial and elegant.
Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinnia, & Tale. By Sanus Johnson, L.L..D. L vol, Philada: Hogan § Thompson — ‘This beautifal edition of Rasselas makes its appearauce at & most appropriate seaaun Kn the elegance which every where maria its mechanical execution, it is aa Cur aupo- rior to the ephemeral Annuals which ¢roved the bovksel- Jer’s counters at Christmas, as the story itself is above the usually trashy coutonts of those costly banbles, Such parchment-like peper; suck bold, cleat type; such exqui- ‘sitely dolzoate illuminations; and atch admirable engray- ings in tiuts, even we, before whom the Bnest specimens ‘of buok-imabing continaally pass, have but racely beheud. ‘Tho titio-paye, which ip printed im colors, from a domgn by Devereux, it really the mont recherche affair of ite kand Yet ptowsnted to ove notice, The illustrations are ten in all. A few more sach volames as thia, and oounumecurs ‘will send to Philadelphia instead of London for fuished specimens of book-makiug, If we were going to bays gift-book, we should select this one, ix preference to almost uy otber publisied this season, eapecily 3f the inteuded recipteut Was of 6 refined and cultivated taste.
Frontenac. A Poem. By Alfred B, Strect. Lol. New York: Baker § Scribner, Philada; G. W. Appleton—dIe. Skreet ix a descriptive post of mure that average ability. in en early voluune of this magazine we tvok o¢easion to review bis style at length, and wo have seen wo reson ‘ince to alter our favorable impressions uf bisgenins, Wo do not think, however, that he is wt home iu @ lung narra tive powas at toast thie work, which ia a story of Indian, lite, would sovm tu imply wa much. Hete and there, through tho volume, are scattered exquisite bits of descriptive verse; but, o8 a whole, the poem wants condensation and finish. Authora frequently make the mistake of supposing ‘thut quantity can make up fur quality, For ourselves we wonld ruther buye written The Grey-Forest Bagto” than ali +rontenue,” “The volume ta printed in elegustt style, A portrait of Mr. Street fuces the title-page.
David Copperfield. By Charles Dickens. Nos. 6 and 6. Maw York: John Witey—In theno unmbere Mr. and Mars Mardatons receive a “‘ectting dows” from Davy’s aunt? ‘and Davy bimsulf grows up to be a young man, and fsel the frst twinges of lore. Dickevs mantains the interett without flagging.
Stories for My Young Friends. By T.$. Arthur. 1 vol. Phitada: J. $ JL. Gihon—This in a very agreeable little book, ptensantly written, elegantly printed and appro priately Hlustrated. Aa. gilt-book for children, at Christ- taas or Now Year's, it can bo recommended.
Grandpither Leary’s Premium Toy Botks. 12 vols. Phitada: J. $ J... Gikon—We consider this the hand- somest series of toy books ever published in the United States. ‘The engravings are executed in a stylo of great muperiotity, far differant indeed from those usually seen in children’s books, ‘Tue serlos comprises William Tell, Little Red Riding Hoot, Storles for Little Boys, Rabin ‘Hood, Sturies for Little Girls, Sanford aud Merton, Pus in Boots, Robison Crusoe, History of Animals, Jack the Gtant-Killer, Aladdin, aud the Alphabet. Each volume of the series contains nine colored itlastrativas, and can be had for twelve and @ half eeats, or the whole twelve volumes, neatly done up in a priated envelope, for one dollar and dfty conte, A prottler gift than the series could not be found!
The Pastor's Wife. A Memoir of rs. Sherman, of Sut- tty Chapel, By her Husband, 1 vol. Philada: R, £. Peterson —Thia in & re-print of a work, whic proved 60 popular in Egland, that more than eight thoumud vopres ‘ware sold wittun a few inunthe after its appearance, it Sn the biography of a woman of exemplary piety, forming ‘4 most tender, beautiful, and edifying warrative. No oue, with any souse of what is elevated mn character, can (nt ty be delighted wud tnsicuctod with the volume: it is 1reah and lovely in the display of all the practical graces of the Christia, and will prove, we doubt not, & blessing aud a cuntolation to thoamuda of henris, ‘The mechuuteul exe- ution of the book 18 highly efeditable to the publisher.
of Lui, Mr. Urogg made a jour
‘ney uver the prairie ty Nente He, end subeequautly ro-
‘sided for several years in the oupitaluf New Mexicu. ‘Chia
work is a uurranive of bis jousuey aud residence. It is
trutniuily,aud ploumantly written, ‘be merit of the buuk,
indeed, anay be judged irons the fuct that thas 1s ita fourth
‘edition. Mr. Muore fuse printed these twu volumes Sih ex
coflent style, aiid illustrated theot with several landaoras
stool aud wood engravings.
The Life ond Adventures of Tom Thumb. 1 vol. Phitada: 5. § FL, Giton—Wo yet remember the delight with ‘which, when 8 child, we perused tho story of ‘um Thamb for the Hret tirse. In those days, however, publishers did aot get op auch beautiful books tor chuldreu un uow. ‘Tue ttle folus of the prexeut geverahou huyeaice pictures atid clean type ty heighten the charm of the atury, und ure thus duably huppy. ‘The volumes for chiluten, issued by the ‘Messrs, Uibon, are particularly handsome.
Hume's History of England. Vols. and 4, Boston: Phil- ips, Sampson $ Co. PAileda: J. W. Moore —We have, 1 4 former nammber, apoken uf the neatness aud couvenienee of this edition. ‘he third and (ourth volumes show no deteriorativn it uny respect frum its predecessors, 1% ia ‘te intention of the publishers to aud an index, prepared at mach expense, tu the aith and Juet volume.
Ella Stratford ; or, The Orphan Ohild. By the Countess of Blessington. 1 vot, Philada: 7. B. Peterson —Tho death of Lady Blessington has given a now iuterest to her novels, We have here one of the best uf her Getions, As «Elle Stratford” was nover before published 1m the United ‘States, we presume thia cheap edition will find, as it ought, an extensive sale.
Pondentis. By the author of Vanity Fair.” Nas. Sand 4. New York: Harper § Brothers.—Mr. Thackeray. the author of this novel, is the Fielding of our age: and of all hip Bctions - Bendewuis” is, $0 far, the master-piece. The ‘Hurpera are issuing the work in wumabere, elegantly illun- rated after designs by the author. Price twenty-five conte et number.