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severall projections being full of impediments, I was forced upon this more common and legall way of procuring a Patent of priviledge for 14 years.

The reasons why I yet defer the publication of the secret, having obteined a grant from the State of England, are: 1 To obtein Priviledges also from some other Neighbouring States.

1 Because it is unjust that the burthen of rewarding an universall good should lie upon the place only where it was brought forth.

2 To make the contributions of each particular man lesse considerable.

3 That I might be relieved from other places in case the troubles should renew in England (which God avert) so as to break my designe here.

4 That I might improve this blessing and Talent of God to the best advantage possible, thereby to effect other things tending to his glory, and the good of the world: being still resolved not to fail of my expectations (that is to say) never to account upon any thing but what I shall from time to time see.

Secondly, Because I had some other contrivances standing upon the same principles with this, which upon the discovery of this would have been discovered also.

Lastly, Because I would take away all occasions which men might have to incur the danger of the penalty allowed by the Parliament by hindring them so to doe, at least untill I could so provide for my selfe, as that I need not to be extreamly rigorous against any, but such as shall contumeliously affront the Authority of my grant.

And this later consideration (namely the avoyding