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The Index.
54. Why Sheep, and Oxen out-breed Foxes, and other Vermin-Animals, p. 66 [375]
55. There being fourteen Males to thirteen Females, and Males being prolifique forty years and Females but twenty five, it follows, that in effect there be 560 Males to 325 Females, p. 67 [375]
56. The said inequality is reduced by the latter marriage of the Males, and their imployment in Wars, Sea-voyages, and Colonies, ibid. [375]
57. Physicians have two Women Patients to one Man; and yet more Men die than Women, ibid. [376]
58. The great emission of Males into the Wars out of London Anno 1642 was instantly supplied, p. 68 [376]
59. Castration is not used only to meliorate the flesh of Eatable Animals, but to promote their increase also, p. 69 [377]
60. The true ratio formalis of the evil of Adulteries and Fornications, p. 70 [377]
61. Where Polygamy is allowed, Wives can be no other than Servants, ibid. [378]
62 That ninety seven, and sixteen Parishes of London are in twenty years encreased from seven to twelve, and in forty years from twenty three to fifty two, p. 72 [379]
63. The sixteen Parishes have encreased farther than the ninety seven, the one having encreased but from nine to ten in the said forty years, p. 73 [379]
64. The ten Out-Parishes have in fifty four years encreased from one to four, p. 75 [380]
65. The ninety seven, sixteen, and ten Parishes have in fifty four years encreased from two to five, ibid. [380]
66. What great Houses within the Walls have been turned into Tenements, p. 76 [380]
67. Cripplegate-Parish hath most encreased, &c. p. 77 [380]
68. The City removes Westwards, with the reasons thereof, ibid. [381]
69. Why Ludgate is become too narrow a throat for the City, ibid. [381]
70. That there be some Parishes in London two hundred times as big as others, ibid. [382]
71. The natural bigness and Figure of a Church for the Reformed Religion, p. 78 [382]
72. The City of London and Suburbs, being equally divided, would make 100 Parishes, about the largeness of Christ-Church, Black-friers, or Colemanstreet, ibid. [383] ||
73. There are about 24000 Teeming women in the ninety seven, sixteen, and ten Parishes in and about London, p. 81 [384]
74. That about three die yearly out of eleven Families containing each eight persons, ibid. [385]
75. There are about 12000 Families within the walls of London, p. 83 [385]