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The Contents of a Treatise, concerning

1. It propounds a perpetual Settlement of Ireland, with a Natural Improvement and Union of England and Ireland, by Transplanting a Million of People (without Distinction of Parties) out of Ireland into England: Leaving in Ireland onely enough Hands to manage as many Cattle as that Countrey will feed. [Preface, p. 555.]
2. Against which it is Objected, That the Costs and Losses of the said Transplantation, and Cattle Trade, will be 4 Millions of Money. In Answer to which [Preface, p. 555.]
3. The said Grand Proposal is divided into Six Points; and each of them Explain'd. [Chapter i., p. 557.]
4. There are Twenty Assertions and Suppositions, express'd in Terms of Number, Weight and Measure; by which the said Six Points are Discussed. Vizt. [Chapter ii., p. 558.]
1. How the People of England and Ireland do now stand mix'd, as to their Proportions between Catholiks and others; and how the same will be, after the above Transplantations: With Motives to all Persons and Parties to comply therewith. [Chapter iii., p. 560.]
2. That the Lands of England will be better'd by 70 Millions Sterling, or a Third Part. [Chapter iv., p. 563.]
3. That England will gain by Ireland 1500 M L per Ann. and as much as it gaineth by all the World besides. [Chapter v., p. 566.]
4. That the real and personal Estate of Ireland will rise from 2 to 3. [Chapter vi., p. 567.]
5. That the Revenues of the Church of England will rise from 3 to 4; and the King's from 4 to 5: Besides an Addition of 100 m pound per Ann. for extraordinary Church Uses. [Chapter vii., p. 568.]
6. That the Causes of Discord, which have continued in Ireland above 500 Years, arising from the Difference of Names, Births, Extractions, Language, Customes, Habits, and Religion, will all cease and vanish. An Estate shall be so settled, as to be coined into better Money, than that of Gold and Silver. [Chapter viii., p. 570.]