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The Index.
95. The difference also of Births are greater in the Countrey, than at London, p. 93 [392]
96. In the Countrey but about one of fifty dies yearly , but at London one of thirty, over and above the Plague, ibid. [393]
97. London not so healthful now as heretofore, p. 94 [393]
98. It is doubted whether increase of people, or the burning of Sea-Coal were the cause, or both, p. 95 [394]
89. The Art of making of Gold would be neither benefit to the World, or the Artist, p. 97 [395]
100. The Elements of true Policy are to understand throughly the Lands, and hands of any Countrey, p. 98 [395]
101. Upon what considerations the intrinsick value of Lands doth depend, ibid. [396]
102. And in what the Accidental, p. 99 [396]
103. Some of the few benefits of having a true Accompt of the people, ibid. [396]
104. That but a small part of the whole people are imployed upon necessary affairs, ibid. [396]
105. That a true Accompt of people is necessary for the Government, and Trade of them, and for their peace and plenty p. 100 [397]
106. Whether this Accompt ought to be confined to the Chief Governours, ibid. [397]