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Bibliography of the Printed Writings of

[7 e.]L'Histoire de la Pratique ordinaire de la Teinture par le Chevalier Gvillavme Petty. In L'histoire | de la | Societé [sic] | Royale | de | Londres, | Establie pour l'Enrichissement de la | science natvrelle | Escrite en Anglois par | Thomas Sprat, | Et traduite en Francois. | [Woodcut.]

A Geneve, | Pour Iean Herman Widerhold. | M. DC. LXIX [1669]. 8º.—Pp. 346—374.

[8.]The | discourse | Made before the | Royal Society | The 26. of November 1674. | Concerning the Use of | Duplicate Proportion | In sundry Important Particulars: | Together with a | New Hypothesis of Springing | or Elastique Motions. | By Sir William Petty, Kt. | Fellow of the said Society. | Pondere, Mensurâ, & Numero Deus omnia fecit: | Mensuram & Pondus Numeres, Numero omnia | fecit.

London: | Printed for John Martyn, Printer to the | Royal Society, at the Bell in | St. Paul's Churchyard, 1674.

1 l., recto blank, verso order of Royal Society to print, title, 1 l., epistles dedicatory, 13 ll., errata, 1 l, pp. 1—135, 12º. —— The order of the Royal Society to print is dated 10 December, 1674, the epistle to Lord Brouncker is dated " ult. Decemb."

[9.]Colloquim | Davidis | cum anima sua, (Accinente Paraphrasim in 104 Psalmum) | De Magnalibus dei. | 25º Martii 1678. fecit | Cassid. Avrevs Minvtivs. | Imprimatur, | Guil. Jane. | August 31. 1678. | [Ornament.]

Londini, | Impensis Thomæ Burrell, Bibliopolæ, ad Insigne Pilæ auratæ, sub | Templo Scti Dunstani in Vico vulgò vocato Fleet-street. | M DC LXX IX [1679].

Title, 1 l., pp. 1—6. fº. —— The occasion of this translation is described on p. xxviii of the Introduction.

[10 a.]Sir William Petty's | Quantulumcunque concerning Money, 1682. | To the Lord Marquess of Halyfax.

[At end:] London, Printed in the Year 1695.

No title-page, pp. 1—8, 4º. —— The above caption stands at the top of page 1, which is also signature A. None of the five copies that I have seen shows any trace of a former title-page. Three have and two have not "Price 2d." at the end of the text. Cf. p. 448. There was, apparently, another edition in 1695, printed for A. and J. Churchill (see McCulloch's reprint below, no. 10 e) but I have not been able to find a copy of it. "A Complete Catalogue of all Books lately Printed concerning the Coin," which is appended to Proposals for a National Bank, setting forth how Three Millions of Pounds may be raised...(London, Printed for Richard Cumberland, at the Angel