[7 e.]L'Histoire de la Pratique ordinaire de la Teinture par le Chevalier Gvillavme Petty. In L'histoire | de la | Societé [sic] | Royale | de | Londres, | Establie pour l'Enrichissement de la | science natvrelle | Escrite en Anglois par | Thomas Sprat, | Et traduite en Francois. | [Woodcut.]
A Geneve, | Pour Iean Herman Widerhold. | M. DC. LXIX [1669]. 8º.—Pp. 346—374.
[8.]The | discourse | Made before the | Royal Society | The 26. of November 1674. | Concerning the Use of | Duplicate Proportion | In sundry Important Particulars: | Together with a | New Hypothesis of Springing | or Elastique Motions. | By Sir William Petty, Kt. | Fellow of the said Society. | Pondere, Mensurâ, & Numero Deus omnia fecit: | Mensuram & Pondus Numeres, Numero omnia | fecit.
London: | Printed for John Martyn, Printer to the | Royal Society, at the Bell in | St. Paul's Churchyard, 1674.
1 l., recto blank, verso order of Royal Society to print, title, 1 l., epistles dedicatory, 13 ll., errata, 1 l, pp. 1—135, 12º.
The order of the Royal Society to print is dated 10 December, 1674, the epistle to Lord Brouncker is dated " ult. Decemb."[9.]Colloquim | Davidis | cum anima sua, (Accinente Paraphrasim in 104 Psalmum) | De Magnalibus dei. | 25º Martii 1678. fecit | Cassid. Avrevs Minvtivs. | Imprimatur, | Guil. Jane. | August 31. 1678. | [Ornament.]
Londini, | Impensis Thomæ Burrell, Bibliopolæ, ad Insigne Pilæ auratæ, sub | Templo Scti Dunstani in Vico vulgò vocato Fleet-street. | M DC LXX IX [1679].
Title, 1 l., pp. 1—6. fº.
The occasion of this translation is described on p. xxviii of the Introduction.[10 a.]Sir William Petty's | Quantulumcunque concerning Money, 1682. | To the Lord Marquess of Halyfax.
[At end:] London, Printed in the Year 1695.