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Sir William Petty.

[13 a.]Another | essay | in | Political Arithmetick, | Concerning the Growth of the | city | of London: | with the | Measures, Periods, Causes, | and Consequences there-|of 1682. | By Sir William Petty, Fellow of the | Royal Society.

London: Printed by H. H. for Mark Pardoe, at the Black | Raven, over against Bedford-House, in the Strand. 1683.

Pp. 1—47, 8°. On p. 47, after "finis," is this advertisement: "Observations upon the Dublin Bills of Mortality m.dc.lxxxi. And the state of that City. By the Observator on the London Bills of Mortality. In Octavo." See p. xlii of the Introduction.

[13 b.]Same, in A | collection | of the | yearly bills | of | mortality, | From 1657 to 1758 inclusive. | Together with several other Bills of an earlier Date | To which are subjoined | I. Natural and Political Observations on the bills of mortality: by Capt. | John Graunt, F.R.S. reprinted from the sixth [sic] edition, 1676. | II. Another essay in political arithmetic, concerning the growth of the | city of London; with the measures, periods, causes, and consequences | thereof. By Sir William Petty, Kt. F.R.S reprinted from the edi-|tion printed at London in 1683. | III. Observations on the past growth and present state of the city of Lon-|don, reprinted from the edition printed at London in 1751; with | a continuation of the tables to the end of the year 1757. By Corbyn | Morris, Esq, F.R.S. | IV. A comparative view of the diseases and ages, and a table of the proba-|bilities of life, for the last thirty years. By J[ames] P[ostlethwayt] Esq; F.R.S.

London: | Printed for A. Millar in the Strand. | MDCCLIX [1759]. 4°—Pp. 63—76.

Dr Thomas Birch is commonly regarded as the editor of this Collection. Cf. Ogle's Inquiry into the Trustworthiness of the Old Bills of Mortality, in Jour. of the Stat. Soc iv. 442; Dict. of Natl. Biogr., s. v. Birch. But James Milne, writing about 1824, says, upon the authority of Dr William Heberden, the younger (1767—1845), that "the bills were collected into a volume by his father, the late Dr Heberden [1710—1801]. He procured likewise observations from several of his friends, rectors of some large parishes, or others likely to give him information; particularly from Bishop Mess, Bishop Squire, and Dr Birch. These, together with some of his own results, were thrown into the form of a preface; and the whole was committed to the care of Dr Birch. To make the calculations which appear at the end of the book, Dr Heberden employed James Postlethwayt, Esq., a very distinguished arithmetician." Suppl. to the 4th, 5th, and 6th Editions of the Encyclopedia Britannica, ii. 306.

[13 c—i.]See 17 a, 26 a—e, 27.