[21a.]Observations | upon the | cities | of | London | and Rome. | By Sir William Petty, | Fellow of the Royal Society.
London, | Printed for Henry Mortlocke, at the Phœnix, in | St. Paul's Church-Yard, and J. Lloyd, in the middle | Exchange next Salisbury-House in the Strand. 1687.
1 l., recto blank, verso imprimatur, title, 1 l., pp. 1—4, 8°.
[21 b—g.]See 26 a—e and 27.
[22 a.]Cinq essays | sur | L'Arithmetique Politique. | I. On Répond aux Objections tireés de | la Ville de Rey en Perse, & a celles de | Mr. Auzout contre les deux premiers Es-|says, & l'on fait voir qu'il y a autant de | monde a Londres qu'a Paris, Rome & | Rouen pris ensemble. | II. Comparaison entre Londres & Paris en | 14 choses particuliers. | III. Preuves qu'il demeure dans les 134 pa-|roisses de Londres marquées dans les bil-|lets de mortalité, environ 696 mille per-|sonnes. | IV. Combien l'on estime qu'il y a de monde | a Londres, Paris, Amsterdam, Venise, | Rome, Dublin, Bristol, & Rouen avec | plusieurs remarques sur ce Sujet. | V. Touchant la Hollande & les autres VII | Provinces Unies. | Par le Chevalier Petty de la | Société Royale. | Invidiam Augendo ulciscar.
A Londre, | Impremie pour Henry Mortlock au Phœnix dore dans le Cimetier de St. Paul. 1687.
Five essays | in | Political Arithmetick, | viz. | I. Objections from the City of Rey in | Persia, and from Monsr Auzout, against | two former Essays, answered, and that | London hath as many people as Paris, | Rome and Rouen put together. | II. A Comparison between London and | Paris in 14 particulars. | III. Proofs that at London, within its 134 | Parishes, named in the Bills of Morta-|lity, there live about 696 Thousand | People. | IV. An estimate of the People in London, | Paris, Amsterdam, Venice, Rome, Dublin, | Bristoll and Rouen, with several obser-|vations upon the same. | V. Concerning Holland and the rest of | the VII United Provinces. | By Sir William Petty, | Fellow of the Royal Society. | Invidiam augendo ulciscar.
London, | Printed for Henry Mortlock at the Phœnix in | St. Paul's Church-yard. 1687.