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List of Books and Manuscripts used.

Mountmorres, H. R., Viscount. History of the principal transactions of the Irish Parliament, 1634—1666. London, 1792. 2 vols. xxvi, 207, 266, 272.

Mun, Thomas. England's treasure by foreign trade. London, 1664. (Repr. in W. J. Ashley's Economic classics. New York, 1895.) 30, 441.

Munk, William. The roll of the Royal College of Physicians of London. Second ed. London, 1878. 3 vols. 27.

Narrative and account concerning the hospital on Oxmantown Green. Published for the satisfaction of subscribers, 1671. Now republished by Charles Lucas. Dublin, 1749. 165,

Newcourt, Richard. An exact delineation of the cities of London and Westminster and the suburbs thereof...[map] composed by a scale. London, 1658.—Facsimile, E. Stanford, 1878. 385.

Newsham, Thomas. An historical and statistical inquiry into the progress and magnitude of the population of Ireland. London, 1805. 142.

Notes and Queries. London, 1859, 1895. lviii, 633.

Ogilby and Morgan. A large and accurate map of the City of London, 1677. 459, 533—534.

Ogle, William. An inquiry into the trustworthiness of the old bills of mortality. (In Journal of the Statistical Society, Vol. 55, pp. 437—460. London, 1892.) lxxxiii, lxxxiv, lxxxvi, xc, xci, 336, 641.

Ordnance survey of the county of Londonderry. Dublin, 1837. 177.

d'Orleans, P. J. History of two Tartar conquerors of China. London (Hakluyt Society), 1854. 508—9.

Palgrave, R.H.I. See Dictionary.

Parliamentary history of England. London, 1806—20. 36 vols. 161, 252, 266.

Patten, S. N. The Interpretation of Ricardo. (In the Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. vii. pp. 322—352. Boston, 1893.) 242.

Penny cyclopædia. London, 1833—43. 27 vols. xc.

Pepys, Samuel. Diary, edited by H. B. Wheatley. London, 1893—96. 8 vols. xiii, xxiii, xxxiv—xxxvi, 62, 317.

Pett, Sir Peter. The happy future state of England. London, 1688. xliii—xlv, 9, 103, 235, 237, 393, 422, 461.

Petty, Sir W. Advice of W. P. to S. Hartlib concerning education. London, 1648. xliv, 118.

—— Reflections upon some persons and things in Ireland. London, 1660. xv, xx, xxi.

—— Discourse of duplicate proportion. London, 1674. xxvii, xli, 9, 386.

—— History of the Cromwellian survey of Ireland, called "The Down Survey," edited by T. A. Larcom. Dublin (Irish Archæological Society), 1851. xiii, xvi-xviii, xx, 6, 124, 177, 210.