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Seymour, R. Survey of London and Westminster. London, 1734—35. 2 vols. lxxxiv, lxxxvi.
Short, Thomas. New observations, natural, moral, civil, political and medical on the city, town and county bills of mortality. London, 1750. xc.
Simon, J. Essay on Irish Coins. Dublin, 1810. 7, 186.
Sloane, MSS., British Museum. 100, 118, 237, 624.
Smith, Charles. The antient and present state of the county of Kerry. Dublin, 1756. xxvi, 209.
Smith, Rev. John. Life, journals and correspondence of Samuel Pepys. London, 1841. 2 vols. lvii, 467.
Smith, John. Chronicon rusticum-commerciale: or, Memoirs of wool. London, 1747. 2 vols. 30.
Smyth, Richard. Obituaries, edited by Loudon. London (Camden Society), 1849. xxxvii.
[Somers Tracts.] A collection of scarce and valuable tracts. 2nd ed. revised by W. Scott. London, 1809—1815. 13 vols. 71, 252, 448.
South, Captain. An account of the number of people in Ireland. (In Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society, no. 261, vol. xxii., p. 520. London, 1700.) 142.
Sprat, T. History of the Royal Society. London, 1667. xxi, xxxvi.
State papers, domestic series, xxv, xxvi, xxvii, lxxxi, lxxxiii, lxxxviii, lxxxix, 122, 236, 407, 408, 427.
State papers, Ireland. 124, 186, 212.
Statutes of the Realm. London, 1810. 30, 50, 59, 62, 66, 103, 107, 160, 218, 382, 460.
Statutes at large passed in the parliaments held in Ireland. Dublin, 1776—1804. 21 vols. 5, 155, 179, 222, 266, 272.
Stowe MSS., British Museum. 460, 461.
Süssmilch, J.P. Die göttliche Ordnung in den Veränderungen des menschlichen Geschlechts. Berlin, 1742. lxxviii, lxxix.
Taylor, W. F. England under Charles II. London, [1890?]. xx.
Temple, Sir William. Works. London, 1770. 4 vols. xxix, lxxii, 26, 186, 201.
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