Coinage, Petty on, lxix; royal power of, 631.
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 242 n., 252 n.
Colemanstreet parish, 383.
Coleraine, salmon fishing near, 209; housing of increased, 303.
Collection of taxes, cost of, 35, 56, 473.
College of Physicians in Dublin, xxx n., 165.
Colleges, dividends of, 81.
Colloquium Davidis cum Anima sua, translated by Petty, xxviii, 638.
Colonies, planting of, 455; profit of 571.
Coloony, Richard Coote, second lord, 616.
Colps, 206.
Commerce and large towns, 473; of London, greater than that of Paris and Rouen, 507.
Commodities and riches pro hinc et nunc, 260; the sale of depends on the use that foreigners have for them, 442.
Common Pleas in Ireland, 163.
Commons, improvement of, 303.
Communicants, half the people, 393.
"Compendium," Petty's, 118.
Compton, Henry, Bishop of London, 631 n.
Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat, marquis de, lxxvi n.
Confectures manufactured in Portugal, 258.
Conformists, number of in 1676, 461 n.
Connaught, presidential court of, 163; protestants' purchases of lands in, 138; surveyed, 177, value of lands, 177, 606; transplantations to, 200, 580.
Conscience. See Liberty of Conscience.
Constable, office of, 19; in Ireland, 163.
Constantinople, plague at, 403; population of, 509.
Consumption, searchers can recognize it, 348; as a mask for the pox, 356.
Consumption, productive and destructive, 269, 270; the true basis of taxation, 91, 271.
Conveyances, fraudulent, 264, 265.
Convulsions fall upon children, 349.
Cooper, Austin, had MSS. of Petty's, lviii n.
Cooper, Samuel, miniaturist, xxxiv.
Coote, Charles Henry, on maps of London, 533 n.
Copenhagen, plague at, 403, 404.
Copper, as money, 85, 445; imported into Ireland, 598.
Copper works, Petty's, at Kenmare, xxv.
Copperas, substitute for, 191.
Cordage imported into Ireland, 596.
Cork, city, 209; county, 215.
Cork, importation of, 309.
Corn, the chief food of the multitude, 81; exported from Ireland, 595; no want of in England, 294; price of, 275; tax on at Amsterdam, 253; value of, lxxiii, 43, 48; compared with silver, 50, 51, 89, 90.
Cornell University Library, 318.
Cornwall, towns in, grown less populous, 370.
Coronations and plagues, 369.
Corporations expedient for Irish trade, 190, 222.
Costs, relation of, to value, lxxiii.
Cotton, imports of from America, 296; into Ireland, 596.
Cottons exported from England, 296.
Council for Irish Industry proposed, 575.
Council office in Dublin burned, lv.
Counterfeiting, danger of, 86.
Counties in Ireland, meaning of, 206; their value 176—180; their number, 215.
Country, proportion of breeders in greater than in London, 482; less apt to produce males, 389; supplies people to London, 370, 371; more healthful than the city, 392, 393; deaths in, 461, 462, 535, 536, 610.
"Country parish, The," is Romsey, xlvii, xlviii, 412 n.
Country bills of mortality, Graunt on, 388—394.
Court of Claims, Ireland, viii, 153, 185, 581, 606; Ormond in, 614.