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water becometh white, Euphorbium in the beating will cause excessive sneesing, that the seedes of Cucummis Asininus will of themselves leap out with great Impetuosity one after another. That spirit of Vitriol mixed with Syrup of Violets, turneth it into a faire Crimson colour, and others of the like Nature. He shall with the Student keep an exact History af all rare and Unusuall Accidents, hapning in his Operations, he shall take care that all Medicaments be made according to Art, or the Physicians particular directions: he shall ever now and then Visite the Apotheca, to cast out thereof all decayed Drugges and compositions, shall read Pharmaceutical and Chymicall Institutions to his Inferiors, and teach the plants to any of the Society that shall desire to learne them.
The Apothecaries Mate shall transcribe the prescriptions taken by the vice Physician, and see them carefully made up, shall attend the Hospitall, in administring to each Patient his Physick according to directions, applying Epithemes, cucuphaes Embrochaes, fomentations, frictions, unctions, giving Glysters, applying Leeches, &c. he shall transcribe the History compiled by the Master Apothecary, and the student, and at leisure times, when as he cannot study Things he may read good Authors in his owne Art, without meddling either with Physick or Chyrurgery.
The Apprentice shall read some good pharmaceuticall Botanick and Chymicall Institutions, shal be much conversant in the Garden to see the curing of tender and exotick plants where he shall observe the working of Nature in their growing flouring, &c. he shall see the Herbs, Roots and Seeds gathered according to directions, he shall worke in beating and picking Drugs and on all other Operations belonging to the preparation of Medicaments.
The Nurses shall be alwayes at hand in the Hospitall to help the sick, that by reason of their absence they may not be put to straine and offend themselves by often and loud crying and calling. They shall dresse their diet