Page:Petty 1647 Advice to Hartlib.djvu/6

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The Epistle Dedicatory.

reassumed my Meditations, which I here give you, desiring you and your Ingenious Freinds to remeditate upon them and correct them, but withall to think of the best Course, how to improve my Invention to such advantage, as may if possible, make us capable of enjoying more then bare Ideas of that Happinesse, which the atchievements of our designs promiseth. I shall desire you to shew them unto no more then needs you must, since they can please only those few, that are Reall Friends to the Designe of Realities, not those who are tickled only with Rhetoricall Prefaces, Transitions, & Epilogues, & charmed with fine Allusions and Metaphors, (all which I do not condemn) wherewith, as I had no abilities to adorne my discourse, so I wanted all other requisites thereunto, Having written it (as Your self must beare me witnesse) at your own Importunity in the midst of my cares and indeavours, to perfect mine Invention, and which is work in the midst of my hard and perhaps unprofitable labour, to prevent the ingratitude and backwardnesse of men to reward him, who shall earnestly labour to expresse himselfe,

London the 8.
January. 1647/8

Yours and your designes
most affectionate servant,
W. P.