Page:Petty 1660 Reflections.djvu/142

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dition of some Rites and Ceremonies fitted to one particular people the Jews. This our Saviour preaches and strongly inforces in his Sermon upon the Mount. This consists with that infinite and universal mercy which we believe God intends to all Man-kind; In the hearty and unseigned practice of this I hope to dye: I will kill no man, nor break any other Commandement written with Gods own finger, to advance the practice of Dipping above Sprinkling, much less to assert or pull down other Speculations. I say, in brief, No man received good or bad at my hands, by reason of the reall and internal perswasion of his Conscience. As for those whom I have demonstrated to be Hypocrites, proud Pharisees, Ananiasses, following Christ for Loaves, &c. I do in my private capacity scorn and loath them: nor shall I stick to make them ashamed, if by any facetious derision of them, in due time and place, I could do it; although I can say, that my practice of this kind hitherto, hath and shall be as rare as Eclipses, Blazing Stars, or Earth-quakes; I having now exprest more honest simplicity in owning this Liberty,