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since I offered to give them the utmost of what they would have (it being better for me to be satisfied in their, then in my own way) and I believe 'twill cost a great many Inconveniences more, before some persons shall reach the Ends they intend.
2ly, It is not to force me to give up a full and perfect accompt of every Debenture that hath been satisfied, and of every acre that hath been disposed of; For that I urged them long ago to take: But as to this; when they had no other shift, against receiving it, they pretended their inability to buy Parchment, &c. wherewith to write the said accompt, making little reckoning of what had been substantially and sufficienly done to that same purpose to their hands: For when they earnestly called for it, they thought it neither had, nor could have been done.
3ly, 'Twas not the getting Satisfaction, for a certain two shillings in the pound, reserved for that purpose out of the dubious Lands; That also having been profered them before; and all things ever since August 1657. having been punctually ready to that end, and themselves