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armyes security in their severall and respective lotts, might be assigned them over for their use in their respective divisions, from May last, and to continue till the lands be divided and layd out by the downe admeasurement; and uppon conference with the petitioners, and debate had uppon the Acts and ordinance of Parliament, of His Highness the Lord Protector, relating thereunto, fforasmuch as there is a great doubt whether the civill survey, as allready returned, be a survey agreeing with the prescript rule of the Act for putting the officers and souldiers into possession of lands amounting to third parts of their respective arreares, according to the grosse estimate; as alsoe considering what previouse acts (not yet done) are primarily and reciprocally to be performed; and that the countyes for collaterall security desired are not disposeable, according to the rule of the Act, for satisfyeing the army, untill it appeares what surplusage shall or may arise from the moyetie of the 10 counties ordered for satisfaction of the adventurers, and of the county of Lowth, which, by the Act, are made additionall security, and are first to be proposed as satisfaction before any other of the counties appointed for collaterall security; the Councill, moreover, taking into consideration how there are severall reduced officers and souldiers sate downe, besides diverse others, who ought of right by the Act to receive equall satisfaction with the army, according to proportion:

The Lord Deputy and Councill doe therefore order that the said agents, or such as the army shall appoint, may receive the rents and profitts issueing out of the forfeited lands within the moyetie of the ten countyes, due and in arreare from the 23th of May last, for and in behalfe of themselves and the rest of the army; and Dr Petty is hereby strictly enjoyned to take speciall care that the downe survey, or exact admeasurement now in hand, bee with all convenient speed perfected. Dated at the Castle of Dublyn, the 20th of July, 1655.

Tho. Herbert, Clerke of the Councill.

By His Highness Lord Protectors Councill for the Affaires of Ireland.


That the rents belonging to the Commonwealth henceforth growing due out of the forfeited lands within the respective countyes of Kerrey, Wexford, Tyrone, Londonderry, and of one-halfe of the county of Kilkenny, and out of the four barronyes in the county of Corke, vizt., Kinalea, Kerricurrihy, East and West Carbury, be undisposed of, and reserved in the hands of the respective