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mentioned, and the narration of Lewis Smith, who surveyed the said lands of Kerrey, appeared, vizt:

to the right honourable his highness the lord protectors councill for the affaires of ireland.

The humble Petition of the Agents for the Divisions of the Province of Munster.

Humbly sheweth, that your petitioners, being agents for the regiments whose lots fell in the province of Munster, have severall grieveances to propound the removall thereof to your lordshipps; and therefore they humbly pray that noe part of their provinciall security, or the collaterall security of that province, bee disposed of from them, till they bee heard by your lordships.

Ric. Lawrence.
Will. Arnopp.
Rob. Barrow.
Will. Walker.
Hen. Jones.
Will. Heiden.
Hie. Sankey.
Tho. Stanley.
Ffra. Bolton.
Alex. Staples.
Jo. Godfrey.
Will. Morris.

25 June, 1656.

Reasons presented by the said Agents, 28th June, 1656.

The resolves of the Generall Councill of the 6th of Aprill, 1654, were grounded uppon the Act of Parliament, as appeareth by the first, second, and third resolves.

2. The nine resolves first set downe were only preparatory to the drawing of provinciall lots; and the supplement made for the deficiency of the provinces, in the ninth resolve, were only provided as to the manner of ascertaining the regiments in the severall provinces, according to the estimate of the debt and creditt then taken.

3 . Accordingly, there was use then made of the supplements soe provided for Munster, to witt, Cranagh and Galmoy was then drawne with Munster, because in that manner of proceeding itt did want it.

Soe alsoe there was use then made of the suppliment for Leinster on Ullster side, to witt, Orier and Ffewes, because Leinster on that side did want it.

But there was noe use then made of the supplement of Gualtier and Middle-
