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Page:Petty 1851 The Down Survey.djvu/127

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to the right honourable the committee of his highness councill of ireland.

The humble Address of the Agents for the Province of Munster.

Humbly declaring that they have considered the exspedient proposed of reconciling the provinciall differences, by laying aside the barronyes of Iveragh and Dunkeron, in the county of Kerrey, from the creditt, in the present division of lands to the army; and have alsoe, but without success, endeavoured a meeting with the agents of Leinster and Ulster, in order to the finding out of some further exspedient, in discharge to the obedience which was due to your lordshipps proposalls, which they humbly tender; as alsoe, that if the barrony of Glanneroughty may not be laid aside, that some way of reprizall may be thought uppon for such who shall fall there, and in the rest of Kerrey, they being perswaded that not one fifth of the return in Glanneroughty will be adjudged profitable lands, and not one moyety in the remainder of Kerrey.

Ric. Lawrence.
Tho. Stanley.
Wm. Arnopp.
Wm. Heiden.
Hie. Sankey.
Jon. Godfrey.
Ffra. Bolton.
Alex. Staples.

the narration of lewis smith concerning kerrey.

To the Right Honourable His Highness the Lord Protectors Councill for the Affaires of Ireland.

The humble proposalls of Lewis Smith, admeasurer of lands:

Whereas I, Lewis Smith, and one John Humphreys, were imployed by Dr William Petty in the admeasuring the forfeited lands in the county of Kerrey, as alsoe for subdivision of most part of the same; now six monethes since the said Humphreys and Smith have finished the said admeasurement, and have been ever since waiting to goe about the perfecting the said subdivision, as alsoe severall men imployed by the said Smith and Humphreys in the said admeasurement, with severall servants that they have kept, thinking speedily to have gone about the same, which said waiting hath been much to their charges