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Page:Petty 1851 The Down Survey.djvu/139

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nominations and proprieties, through the want of meeresmen, or through the obscurity and faults of the abstracts delivered unto them, being only breif lists of the lands to bee admeasured, with the names but of part of the proprietors unto whome they belonged; and sometimes by not distinguishing the quality, by reason of the dubiouse and intermixt nature of the land itt selfe, or the innaccessibleness thereof, by being overflowne, &c., as alsoe for want of information in wast countreys, and of such light from the civill survey as might have been afforded unto them for the reparation of all such the said omissions as are necessary and possible to be repaired: your petitioner doeth freely offer that, your honoures finding meeresmen, and bearing but the travailing charges of the workemen, he will doe the rest att his owne charge, provided his other grieveances bee considered, and a list of the said omissions bee delivered unto him this ensueing summer.

5thly. Allthough your petitioner bee consciouse of noe one matteriall error in the whole admeasurement, yett in order to the satisfaction of the complaints, how causeless soever, made against itt, hee humbly propounds, 1st. That fforasmuch as care hath been taken to instruct the workemen and to adjust the instruments used in this survey, as alsoe that the severall measurers having beene sworne, and vouched their respective worke, the which hath been examined by impartiall and able men, noe impeachment be admitted against itt, unless grounded uppon a readmeasurement depending uppon the like causes of truth and sufficiency with this survey of your petitioners, and made with the same mearesmen, or by traceing the same marks and holes uppon the land.2dly. Uppon such an impeachment your petitioner further desires that the party complaining may give bond to save your petitioner harmlesse in case the said complaint be causeless or grounded rather uppon the complainants mislike of the quality of his land then the measurers mistake in the quantity.3dly. That there be three sett times appointed for making these reviewes, vizt May next, October following, and Aprille come twelvemoneth, that the same may be feaseable to your petitioner, and not in the winter time, to the prejudice of the Commonwealth. And uppon these equitable groundes your petitioner shall send backe into the ffield, the complainant advanceing one halfe of the charge and your petitioner the other.

6thly. That your honoures would appoint unconcerned persons to consider how farre your petitioner is obliged, either by his contract or in equity, to the
