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Page:Petty 1851 The Down Survey.djvu/162

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3dly. Uppon the 11th of March last I brought neer fifty of my workmen and eight of my examiners to appeare before a grand committee of the Councill, asisted with the cheif officers of the army and severall able, though prejudiced, artists, which workmen were actually and extempore to try and prove any piece of worke which should bee called for out of the whole, and viva voce to answer unto any defect of the same.

4thly. The same examination being afterwards againe more particularly referred to a speciall committee of able artists, though prejudiced persons, and even my competitors in the same business, itt was by them reported that the worke had been managed with all possible care and security, and with all the causes of certainety and sufficiency imaginable.

5thly. The worke hath alsoe been every day for above six moneths under another kind of examination, which hath cost me above one hundred pounds to attend uppon it, the report of which examination, made by the Surveyor-Generall in August last, I then answered from point to point, I hope to your lordshipps satisfaction.

7thly. Allthough the like examinations were never imposed uppon any of the severall surveyes immediately preceeding mine, neither was any security required besides the measurers own oath, nor noe audite of his accompt but his owne subscription, nor noe punishment or correction of errors but to repay the money which hee should have received for more acres then really there were when such error was discovered, yet I never refused to give any satisfaction that ever was demanded, how impertinent soever I myselfe knew the same to bee.

8thly. In the late competitions about undertaking of the adventurers survey all my men at one time or other endeavoured to defame me and my performance, and withall ript up whatever they knew of miscarriage either in me or in one another, carreying their accusations to the Surveyor-Generall, whome they supposed to bee my enemy; in all which nothing whereof I am ashamed hath been produced or made good against mee, nor was any suspition but soe much as hinted at which I have not since provided for by extraordinary security.

9thly. When in the beginning of March last I exhibited this my survey, desiring an absolute accompt and satisfaction for the same, it was denyed me, untill, by the aforementioned examination, my worke should bee found practiseable; wherefore now the whole end of the said survey being fully atchieved,