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Page:Petty 1851 The Down Survey.djvu/164

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bee delayed, may find an opportunity to effect some mischief against mee, unto the danger whereof I have noe reason to exspose my selfe without cause.

5thly. Itt can not bee exspected that I, for answering of uncertaine complaints, should keepe all the men that ever I employed in readiness uppon such occasions, they who did any defective worke being best able to correct it, unto soe unlimitted a time, especially since, neither by the number or nature of the errors which have been detected in the farr greater halfe of the worke, there appeares any necessity of such an exspectation.

Whereof I humbly desire that myselfe and friends, whome I promised about that time to discharge, bee not detained in any needlesse entanglement any longer than the first of March abovementioned, I having performed all things requisite for our deliverance even before that terme.

Thirdly. That your lordshipps would, before the army be satisfied their respective proportions of land, bee pleased to state and agree what is my due for measuring the same.

1st. Because I cannot accompt with my underworkemen untill your lordshipps have accompted with mee, their wages depending in maney cases uppon mine; whereby I am not only dayly molested with the importunity of a clamorouse and indigent people, but am forced with much danger to lend them money to keepe them within call untill wee can bee cleare on all hands.

2dly. Because noe possession can be firme or valid before the survey bee signed and vouched by me; now as I cannot vouch them untill your lordshipps have allowed them, soe I cannot believe that your lordshipps have allowed them untill you have allsoe allowed me, and stated what is due unto mee for them.

3dly. I have attended uppon itt neer these eight monethes, and therefore hope your lordshipps will thinke it time now that I should bee dispatched, since all things, especially on my part, are fully ripe and prepared thereunto, the examinations remaining being of litle use, and for that arithmeticall errors may bee excepted, as is usuall in all accompts; and since the auditors of the Exchequer have by your lordshipps order allready rated the severall counties, and since that they, with the Surveyor-Generall, hath exhibited the state of the reimbursement for the former grosse admeasurement, in which particulars the whole accompt doth consist.

4thly. I have for these many moneths kept the bookes within my owne