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tifie the same, for the further consideration of this board. Dated at the Councill chamber, Dublyn, the 12th of November, 1656.

Tho. Herbert, Clerk of the Councill.

As alsoe another order of the same date to a Committee, of the Councill, to consider of the reimbursements of the grosse survey.

By His Highnesse the Lord Protectors Councill for the Affaires of Ireland.

Vppon consideration of the sixth proposall of Dr William Petty hereunto annexed, craving the favour of this board in remitting a considerable part of the reimbursements to be made for the 2054li, said to bee formerly disburst uppon the gross admeasurement; ordered, that it bee referred to the Lord Chief Baron, Collonell Mathew Thomlinson, and William Bury, Esq., who, as a committee of the Councill, are desired to consider thereof, and of his reasons subjoined thereunto; as allsoe of the contract made concerning the same, and what worke hath been performed in order thereto, with what remaines further to be done, as allsoe to hear what the Dr can offer thereuppon, why any part of the same should bee remitted; as alsoe of what hath been stated and reported by the auditors and Surveyor-Generall in the case, and uppon the whole to certifie matter of fact, with what else they may judge fitt for the further consideration of the board. Dated att the Councill chamber in Dublyn, the 12th of November, 1656.

Tho. Herbert, Clerk of the Councill.

To His Highnesse the Lord Protectors Councill for the Affaires of Ireland.

The humble petition of Dr William Petty


That whereas there are charged uppon your petitioner severall summs of money, as formerly paid for grosse admeasurements, the which ought not by the explanation of his articles to bee reimbursed by your petitioner, but out of the last money which should be due unto him uppon his contract.

Your petitioner humbly prays that whatsoever part of the said summs your Lordshipps shall please to require from your petitioner may not be defalked out of his present payment, but out of what shall be due unto him for the countyes of Wicklow, Limricke, and Carlow, the profitable lands whereof amount unto