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In obedience to your lordshipps order of the seventh instant, requiring us to prepare a perfect and particular accompt of the contents of the respective barronyes which Dr Petty hath admeasured according to the tenure of his agreement, we humly certifie that, according to our instructions received from the Surveyor-Generall, wee have, with the best of our care and knowledge, examined these foregoeing barronyes to which the quantity of acres are affixed, and find the particulars of their contents to bee as they are sett downe in the above colume under their particular qualityes.

Dated the 22th November, 1656.
Ric. Dulawne.
Wm. Hopkins.

Sworne before me, the 27th of November, 1656.

Miles Corbett.

To the Right Honorable His Highness the Lord Protectors Councill for the Affaires of Ireland.

May it please your Lordshipps.

In pursuance of your honors order of the 12th of November instant, grounded uppon the proposalls of Dr William Petty, desiring that his accompts of lands admeasured might bee stated according to the returne made to your lordshipps by Richard Delawne and Wm. Hopkins, wherein wee are required to state and compute the debt according to the quantityes certified and agreeable to the rates in our former report, bearing date the 11th day of March, 1655, wee make bold humbly to certifie that uppon the 11th of December, 1654, the said Dr entered into articles of agreement for the admeasurement of ten halfe countyes granted in satisfaction to the officers and souldiers, with other counties as additionall security, together with the reserved countyes and the bishopps lands; in consideration of all which wee find that he was to receive for every thousand acres of forfeited profitable lands, to bee sett out in satisfaction of the souldiers arreares, the sum of seven pounds three shillings and fourpence, and for every thousand acres of lands reserved to His Highness and the Commonwealth, and not given and disposed of to the souldiers, as likewise for every thousand acres unprofitable land, of parcells under five hundred acres, the summ of three pounds, and for surrounding the barrony lines of the lands to be set out to the souldiery, one thousand pounds; according to which rates wee have computed the following quantityes of land, being agreeable to the returne made by the said De Lawne and Hopkins, vizt.