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Page:Petty 1851 The Down Survey.djvu/182

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( 148 )

Item, for thirty-two thousand three hundred and seaventy-four acres two roods and twenty-eight perches of commons appertaining to the profitable lands disposeable to the army, at seaven pounds three shillings four pence per thousand acres,
Item, for four hundred and sixteene thousand four hundred fifty-two acres three roods and four perches of lands reserved to His Highness and the Commonwealths use, lyeing in the county of Dublin and part of Corke, at three pounds per thousand acres,
Item, for sixty-nine thousands two hundred ninety-one acres two roods and sixteene perches of unprofitable land, certifyed to bee in parcells under five hundred acres, but such as by their joining together doe compose parcells of above 500 acres, at 3 pounds per thousand acres,
Item, for the out lines of all the afforementioned barronyes, as per agreement,
The totall of all which particulars amounts to the summ of sixteene thousand eight hundred forty-two pounds twelve shillings seaven pence farthing,

November the 26th, 1656.

There is due unto Dr William Petty, uppon the foot of his accompt for surveyes, the summ of
There hath been paid unto the said Dr William Petty, by severall warrants from the Councill, the summe of
There hath been discounted from the army, and paid unto him, the summe of

Md. Itt doth appeare by Mr. Standish his certificate, bearing date this day, that the above 13057li 17s 3d hath been received by the said Dr Petty, and is all that hee knoweth chargeable uppon the account of the said Doctor for admeasurement of lands.