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parcells under five hundred acres, together with the outlines of the respective barronyes wherein the said lands doe lye: according to which, and the contract with him made the 11th of December, 1654, and the report of the said Auditors-generall, it appeares that, according to the rates agreed uppon in the said contract, there is due unto the said Dr William Petty, for the above said lands by him admeasured, the summe of sixteene thousand eight hundred 16842li 12sd due.forty-two pounds twelve shillings seaven pence farthing strerling, of which he hath received by severall warrants from this board ten thousands five hundred pounds sterling, and from the officers and souldiers of the army two thousand five hundred fifty-seaven pounds, seaventeene shillings, and three pence, sterling; soe that there remaines further due to the said Dr William Petty, for admeasuring and setting out of the said lands, the summe of three thousand seaven hundred eighty-four pounds, fifteene shillings, and fourpence farthing, sterling; uppon all which the Councill doe allow and approve of the said accompts, provided itt extend not to the 2054li, which, according to the late order of this Board, dated the 24th of this present moneth, is ordered to be brought in uppon his next accompt, or to what shall appeare due to the said Dr Petty uppon his survey of the three countyes of Wickelow, Catherlogh, and Limericke. Dated att the Councill chamber in Dublyn, the 28th November, 1656.

Tho. Herbert, Clerk of the Councill.

This generall accompt being thus passed, when the surveyes of Limricke, Catherlogh, and Wickelow, were examined as the others were, there issued the following orders, vizt:

By his Highness the Lord Protectors Councill for the Affaires of Ireland.

Whereas by an order of this Board of the 15th of May last, the Surveyor-Generall of lands was required to take care for the examining and casting up of the severall plotts and books of references which were returned in by Dr William Petty, concerning the surveyes of the three provinces, and to see that the same be duely perfected and returned according to the articles of his agreement or contract, or otherwise to state and present the defects of the said survey unto this Board; and for the better performance and dispatch thereof, the said Surveyor-Generall was thereby impowered to imploy soe many able and discreet