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Page:Petty 1851 The Down Survey.djvu/226

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time and manner of presenting them to satisfaction, either by agents or themselves, with their qualifications, as belonging to widows or orphans; counterfeit debentures; second debentures, in lieu of the first lost or mislaid; and, lastly, the severall rules sett downe by the generall Councill for affixing of loose debentures to certaine places for satisfaction, and joining into one lott many debentures properly belonging to several lotts, with the courses and rules wee have followed to satisfie each, according to their respective rights, or as neer as might be, with the reasons of the few deviations which have happened.

2dly. In setting forth how wee came to pitch uppon the quota or proportion of 57, by computing the whole originall debt, by stating the severall payments which have formerly beene made, by distinguishing the payments for service before 1649 from that of since 1649, by computing the debt of each regiment as itt stood in the Commissioners for stating of Accompts their books, and in the lists sent up by the respective agents, as allsoe in the estimate whereuppon the lotts were cast, anno 1654, and, as the result of all, by pitching uppon what wee judged nearest the truth, with the considerations of unstated debentures and English arreares; and by comparing the debt soe found by the content of the lands, both cleare and doubtfull promiscuously, as they were returned uppon the survey, and given in charge to bee admeasured.

3dly. In declaring how wee provided lands to compleat the satisfaction of such as were disbanded in 1653, vizt, how wee found out the proportion and quantity thereof; why wee appointed that supplement to be made out of Munster; and why, in Munster, out of Kerrey; and in Kerrey, why out of the course barronyes thereoff, lying together; with the reason of the rates which wee sett uppon them.

The accompt of the creditt lyes much in shewing —

1st. How wee made provision against reprizalls arising from the dubiouse title of any of the lands returned, or any kind of incumbrances or charge uppon them, which wee did by making of neat bookes, under severall columes, of distinguishment of the cleare from the incumbred; and particularly, why we have sett out the barony of Carey, untill further order bee given therein.

2dly. How wee have provided for reprizalls for land which shall bee found unprofitable, with some rules and cautions concerning such reprizalls.

3dly. How wee have concluded uppon the reprizalls which may be claimed uppon pretended want of measure, with some provisoes allsoe thereuppon.