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Page:Petty 1851 The Down Survey.djvu/229

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All which wee hope will containe a compleat and regular accompt of this great affaire.

The exsplanations of which papers and the aforementioned operations would require a treatise of itselfe, as afforesaid.

Now when the province of Munster was satisfyed, according to the above contrivances, there happened in the time of performing that business to be soe many new debentures stated, soe many claimes allowed, &c., as endangered the making good of the quota of 57 unto the Leinster and Ullster forces, which had been given to those of Munster; the which, with other accidents, caused the following queries to bee presented by the commissioners to the Councill.

Queries humbly offered to his Highness Councill.

Whether wee shall proceed any further without the agents, vizt, as to the quota, as to determine whether it shall be strucke downe frome 57 to 23, or lower; and whether wee shall admitt of more debentures.

2dly. If that 57 bee mantained, how to peice up the defects of Leinster and Ullster, whose lands can not bee extended beyond two-thirds, even without consideration of absent debentures; and how to provide for reprizalls, in case what wee intend for that use bee applyed to maintaine the 57.

3dly. To consider what stress is to be layd on Lowth, the surplusage of the adventurers; as allsoe on the dubiouse lands yett reserved, and how to dispose of those dubiouse lands to the best advantage of the army.

4thly. In case wee strike downe the quota, how to make retrenchments from those who have allready 57 assigned them.

5thly. What shall be done with the barrony of Cary.

6thly. How the inhancements made last year on the rates of lands shall bee now applyd.

7thly. How agreements formerly made with the agents uppon wide estimate shall bee now put in practice, and interpreted or declined, if impracticable; and what to doe in omitted and overseen cases.

8thly. Whether to give out absolute orders of possession, before some convenient time has been given for all to complaine, if any seeming wrong by our proceedings has been done unto them.

9thly. About compleating the satisfaction of Major King and Major Ormsby, in Kerrey.