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spective debts, fforasmuch as the Councill are informed that all or most of those instruments have passed under the hands and scales of thos'e that entrusted them, and that, by raising doubts where nothing is complained of, many needless and unseasonable differences may unhappily arise, and for that the worke is done for which they were impowered, albeit uppon examination there may appeare some imperfections in matter of forme, the Councill held it not adviseable at present to give any order therein.

To the fifth, whether any notice or accompt shall be taken of sales and alienations of debentures or lands made before legall possession is given from this board, itt is thought fitt that, in case the purchaser or possessor have warrantably and uppon good consideration procured the same from the souldiers, their executors or administrators, and that lycence hath primary been obtained from the commander in chief, or others by him authorized, and according to the rules prescribed in the Act in such case, the Commissioners for setting out lands may give out certificats in the name of him unto whome the said debentures have been warrantably assigned and procured as afforesaid.

To the sixth, concerning the Generall Registers cancelling or endorsing satisfyed debentures, to bee speedily taken into consideration, and rule given from the board.

To the 7th, concerning the postponing the satisfaction of debentures not brought in at due times, this is to bee likewise speedily taken into consideration.

To the last, proposing that there may bee a cessation of all claimes and further proceeding untill they can perfect their accompts, and that the lands assigned the adventurers and disbanded in 1653 bee returned by the surveyors, the Councill thinks fitt that when the said Commissioners have perfected the worke that is now next to bee done, vizt, as to the satisfying debentures brought in by the 20th of Ffebruary afforesaid, reprisezeing of lands which appeared to them at or before that day to bee reprizeable, and the distribution of the dubiouse and incumbred lands aforementioned, and have given an accompt of their proceedings unto this board, the Councill thinke it may bee then a more seasonable time to resume that matter into consideration. Councill chamber, Dublyn, 9th of Aprill, 1657.

Tho. Herbert, Clerk of the Councill.

Together with another about orders of possession, vizt: