Page:Petty 1851 The Down Survey.djvu/323

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( 289 )

The price of 7458li in lands, being 3062li, as afforesaid, in
ready money, would, att six shillings per pound, have
purchased of debentures,
of which the 57
is 7290li
The difference betweene the said 7458li, which the said
Doctor hath, and 7290li, which, by the ordinary way, he
might have had, is 168li in debentures, which, att six
shillings per pound, comes to

These calculations are true, odd money for ease excepted, and is answerable to the report of Mr. Roberts, Mr. Gookin, &c. Dated the 3d of March, 1658.

Hereuppon, Munday, the 4th of Aprill, 1659, but afterwards Thursday, the 7th of the same, is appointed for an hearing before the Councill.


ON Sunday, the third of Aprill, the Doctor receives the following letter, and other proceedings from the Parliament, Sir Hierome Sankey comming over the same time to seeke evidence for his wild assertions:

For Dr William Petty, one of the Members of Parliament, and one of the Clerks of the Councill in Ireland,


Sir,—According to the resolutions of the knights, cittizens, and burgesses in Parliament assembled, made on Thursday, the 24th of this instant March, the coppies whereoff I herewith send you, I am to acquaint you that you are to attend the House, Thursday, the 21th of Aprill next; and I doe herein likewise send you enclosed a coppy of certaine articles brought into the House against you, and by their order read on Thursday last; being all in command to you from the Parliament at the present, I bid you farewell, and am,

Sir, your loving friend,
Tho. Bampfield, Speaker.

Westminster, the
26th of March, 1659.

irish arch. soc.
2 P