Page:Petty 1851 The Down Survey.djvu/46

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By the Lord Deputy and Councill.

New order to farther consider the managing the surveys, 10 October, 1654.It is ordered, that Sir Charles Coot, Knight and Barronet, Sir Hardross Waller, Knight, Commissary-Generall Reynolds, Collonell Hewson, Collonell Lawrence, Lieutenant-Colonell Arnopp, and Captain Shaw, or any three or more of them, doe take into their further consideration the matter formerly recommended unto them, concerning the managing of the surveys of the forfeited lands in Ireland; and to propose some exspedients unto us how the same may be carried on with most dispatch and advantage to the Commonwealth. Dublin, the 10th October, 1654.

Tho. Herbert, Clerke of the Councill.

The which order, maugre all the sinister practices that were used, produced but the following report:

Report on the said order, 16 October, 1654.In obedience to your honors reference, dated the 10th instant, wee have taken into consideration the business concerning the management of the surveys, and, after a full debate thereuppon, doe humbly offer, uppon the reason mentioned in our first report, that the lands to be sett out for the payment of the armyes arreares and other publicke debts, be surveyed downe as is proposed by Dr Petty.

And as to the security of performance of conditions on his part, and alsoe as to the rates to be paid for the worke, wee doe humbly offer that it be referred to Sir Hardress Waller, Sir Charles Coot, Collonell Chidley Coot, Collonel Lawrence, Major Symner, and Captain Mullinex, or any three of them, to perfect and conclude the same with the Dr. Dated the 16th of October, 1654.

Signed in the name and by the appointment of
the rest of the referrees,
Cha. Coot.

Hee then soe wrought with the Lord Deputy and Councill, that they issued noe order in pursuance of the above report untill the whole business had been debated anew all over before themselves, the which, as severall times before being done, the following order was granted: