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By the Lord Deputy and Councill.

Orders for mearsmen, spademen, quarters-rates, to be paid, &c. 12 Aprill, 1655Whereas Dr William Petty hath contracted and undertaken to survey and admeasure all such forfeited lands in Ireland as are to be sett out for satisfaction of the arreares of the army, together with such other lands as did formerly belong to the Crown, archbishopp, bishopp, deanes, deanes and chapters, and other persons belonging to that hierarchy, it is, for the better and more effectuall carreing on of that worke:


That the said Dr Petty, or such as he shall under his hand and seale appoint thereunto, bee and are hereby authorized to cause, from time to time, such and soe many persons to asist him or them, as shall be fitt and able to shew the meares and bounds of all such lands as are to be surveyed as above said, as alsoe such other persons as he or they shall thinke fit to stand as marks to lead the chaine, or carry a spade for making of marks necessary for the said worke. Itt is further ordered that the said surveyors may quarter at any place next their respective worke, and be accommodated with carriages and horses for removing themselves, instruments, utensills, and other necessaryes; they paying for the said accomodation, and for the wages of the severall persons by them imployed by vertue hereof, such reasonable rates as shall be thought fitt by the Commander in Chief of the precinct where the said lands doe lye, or by one or more of the justices of the peace of the said county, or by the sherriff or undersherriff, or by any commissioner or commissioners of assessment of the said county, not exceeding twelve pence per diem to every bounder, and eight pence per diem to every marksman and chainman, or spademan; and all officers or ministers of justice, and all officers and souldiers of the army, and all other persons, are to be aiding and asisting unto the said Dr Petty, or his assignes, in the carryeing on of the said worke. Dublin, the 12th of Aprill, 1655.

Tho. Herbert, Clerke of the Councill.