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IX. | Page |
How Quartus interpreted the New Law
116 |
X. | |
How some desired Jesus to mix the New Law with the Old Law; and concerning the Legion of Swine; and how Jesus began to teach in Parables
125 |
XI. | |
Concerning the New Power of the Forgiveness of Sins
142 |
XII. | |
How the Forgiveness of Sins is the Key that openeth the New Kingdom; and how the Old Law and the New Law must not be mixed
154 |
XIII. | |
Of the Plotting of the Pharisees against Jesus, how they said he had a Devil; and concerning the Holy Spirit
165 |
XIV. | |
How John the Prophet doubted concerning Jesus; and concerning them that are "born of Women;" and of the Beheading of John the Prophet
180 |
XV. | |
How Jesus fled from Capernaum, and the Galileans at first fell away from him; and concerning the Levy in Galilee; and of the Visit of Jesus to Nazareth
189 |
XVI. | |
How, after the Death of John the Prophet, Jesus foresaw that he also must be slain; and of the Bread of Life, and the Feeding of the Five Thousand; and concerning the Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees
204 |
XVII. | |
How Xanthias the Alexandrine said that the Philosophy of Jesus aimed at the Taking in of the Gentiles into the Kingdom, and at the Enfranchisement of Slaves; and how he found fault with Jesus for that he called himself the Son of Man
211 |