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292 THE PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW. 156) Dilthey,W.: Die Ro stacker Kant-Handschriften. I: eight letters from Kant to Jakob Sigismund Beck. The same, pp. 592-650. To the reprint of the letters D. adds a presentation of Beck's philosophical devel- opment, place in the transcendental movement, and relation to Kant. (Cf. no. 152.) 157) Dilthey, W. : A us den Ros tocher Kant-Handschriften. II: An unprinted essay of Kant's on the treatise of Kastner. A. G. iii. 1890. pp. 79-90 (directed against Kastner's three treatises in Eberhard's Ph. Mg. 1790. ii, pp. 391-430.) (Cf. the 2d part of this Bibliography, under 1788: " Philosophisches Magazin.") 158) Dilthey, W.: Kanfs Aufsatz iiber Kastner und sein Antheil an eincr Recension Von Johann Schultz in the Jenaer Literaturzeitung. (A. G. iii, 1890. pp. 275-81.) To this third article D. was led by the information of R. Reicke that the criticism of Ph. Mg. vol. II in the A. L. Z. 1790, iii, no. 281-4, pp. 785-814, was written by Schultz on the basis of several essays by Kant of which one was the essay on Kastner published by D. (Cf. no. 72.) 1 59) Dilthey, W. : Der Streit Kanfs mil der Censur uber das Recht freier Religionsforsch ttng: third part of the contributions from the Rostock Kantian manuscripts, A. G. iii, 1890, pp. 418-50. (History of the contest from the prohibition of the essay on original sin to the controversy of the Faculties; communication of two drafts of a writing from K. to the Konigs- berg theological Faculty concerning the freedom to print his "Rel." the one in extracts, the other word for word ; contribution of two unprinted prefaces to the last named writing.)