Page:Philosophical Review Volume 24.djvu/13

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Draghicesco, D.—Essai sur l'interprétation sociologique des phénomènes conscients 231
Drake, Durant.—Practical versus Literal Truth 465
Drake," Durant."—Where do Perceived Objects Exist? 349
Duprat, G.—Les "fondements du caractere" 580
Feingold, Gustave A.—The Psyche-physical Basis of Moral Conduct 231
Fischer, Julius.—Die Religion als Problem der Philosophie 342
Fite, Warner.—The Motive of Individualism in Religion 124
Garbe, Richard.—Buddhist Influence in the Gospels 124
Gault, Robert H.—On the Meaning of Social Psychology 470
Grasset, Dr.—Les sciences morales et sociales et la biologie humaine 468
Hardin, Edwin Dodge.—Nietzsche's Service to Christianity 230
Hartmann, H. G.—A Definition of Causation 238
Hartmann," H. G."—Are Realism and Relativity Incompatible? 228
Hartmann, N.—Logische und ontologische Wirklichkeit 685
Holt, Edwin B.—Response and Cognition. I and II 681
Ingenieros, José.—Las Ciencias Nuevas Y Las Leyes Viejas 572
Jones, Rufus M.—Mysticism in Present Day Religion 472
Joussain, A.—L'Originalité et L'Universalité dans L'Art 465
Ladd, George Trumbull.—A Defence of Idealism 116
de Laguna, Theodore.—The Logical-Analytic Method in Philosophy 682
de Laguna, Theodore.—The Postulates of Deductive Logic 463
Le Dantec, F.—La Conscience épiphenomène 116
Lisle, John.—The Justification of Punishment 471
Lloyd, Alfred H.—The Power Behind the Throne 239
Loeb, Jacques.—Mechanistic Science and Metaphysical Romance 570
MacDougall, Robert.—The Distribution of Consciousness and its Criteria 122
McTaggart, J. Ellis.—The Meaning of Causality 679
Mead, George H.—Natural Rights and the Theory of the Political Institution 352
Meredith, H. O.—Class Distinctions 233
Negri, Luigi.—L'evoluzione sociale secondo Guglielmo De Greef 578
Overstreet, Henry Allen.—The Changing Conception of Property 234
Overstreet, Henry Allen.—The Function and Scope of Social Philosophy 126