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[Vol. III.

regards Spinoza's doctrine of God as the most convincing to which every dogmatic philosophy must lead and which is irrefutable by any dogmatic system. Kant's view of the unknowability of things-in-themselves alone can render possible a rebuttal of Spinozism.)

880) T.: pp. 441 ff. Review of Kant's Entdeckung (no. 70).

881) Th. A.: ii, pp. 516-523. Review †* of Kant's Entdeckung (no. 70) by Sg. Reprinted in Mtr., i, pp. 186-120.

881a-e) Tieftrunk, J. H.: cf. nos. 641, 643, 644, 793, 795.

881f) Universalkritik, Die spielende—, etc.: cf. no. 383.

881g) Vernunftmässigkeit, Ueber—des Christentums: cf. no. 644.

881h) Versuch einer Kritik der Religion, etc.: cf. no. 641.

882, 883, Versuch, etc.

882) Versuch, eine Stelle aus dem Timäus des Plato durch die Theorie des Vorstellungsvermögens zu erklären. By * * *. In the: N. Ph. Mg., II, 1 and 2, pp. 1-70.

883) Revolution, Ueber die älteste—in der Philosophie mit Hinsichtauf die neueste. By * * *. In the: N. Ph. Mg., 1791, II, 3, pp. 213-291. (Both essays are obviously by the same writer. In no. 882 he discovers, in Plato's doctrine of the origin of souls, Reinhold's thoughts, if in embryonic form. In no. 883 he draws a parallel between the two most important revolutions in philosophy, headed by Socrates and Plato in the one case, by Kant and Reinhold in the other. Right as the fundamental idea here is, there is a total sacrifice, as also in no. 882, of historic objectivity, owing to the writer's arbitrary interpretations, which show markedly the influence of the critical philosophy.)

884-889, Jos. Weber.

884) Weber, Jos.: Institutiones logicae, quas suis auditoribus scripsit. 8vo. Dillingen. Brönner. pp. 87. (Similar works had already appeared; in 1786 and 1788.)

885) Weber, Jos.: Vernunftlehre für Menschen, wie sie sind, in Sätzen zur öffentlichen Prüfung vorgetragen. Dillingen.

886) Weber, Jos.: Leitfaden zu Vorlesungen über die Vernunftlehre. Dillingen. Kälin. (Weber's principal writings in theoretical philosophy are :)

887) Weber, Jos.: Logica, in usum eorum, qui eiden student, edita. 8vo. Landshut. 1794. Weber. Eleven and a half sheets.

888) Weber, Jos.: Metaphysica, in usum eorum, qui eiden student, edita. 8vo. Landshut. 1795. Weber. Fifteen and a half sheets. Later on no. 888 has been remodelled under Fichte's influence. Cf. Weber, 1801. (In many ways,—as regards the doctrine of the categories, e.g.,—Weber is dependent upon Kant; but he is not on that account a direct follower of