over them, they emit a stench hardly to be endured: All which, and much more may be fully seen in the French Description of the Countries of Poland, made by Monsieur de Beauplan, and by Monsieur de Thevenot, in his Relation of the Cosacks, contained in the First part of his Curious Voyages.
Several have taken notice, that there is a difference between the brooding of Snakes and Vipers, those laying their Eggs in Dung-hills, by whose warmth they are hatched; but these (Vipers) brooding their Eggs within their Bellies, and bringing forth live Vipers. To which may he added, That some affirm to have seen Snakes lye upon their Eggs, as Hens sit upon theirs.
A very curious Person, studying Physick at Leyden, to whom had been imparted those Relations about a Milky Substance in Veins, heretofore alledged in Numb. 6. returns, by way of gratitude, the following Observations.
There was (saith he) not many Years since, in this Country a Student, who being much addicted to the study of Astronomy, and spending very many Nights in Star-gazing, had, by the Nocturnal wet and cold temper of the Air, in such a manner obstructed the pores of his skin, that little or nothing exhaled from his Body; which appeared hence, because that the shirt, he had worn five or six weeks, was then as white as if he had worn it but one day. In the mean while he gathered subcutaneous Water, of which yet he was afterwards well cured.
We have also (saith the same) seen here a young Maid, of about thirteen Years of age, which from the time that she was but six Years old, and began to be about her Mother in