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GGometricians censur'd by M. Hobbs, 14. 153. defended by D. Wallis, 16. 289.

The method of teaching Geometry reform'd, 15. 261. See Euclidis Elementa novo ordine, among the Books.


INquiries, see Directions, suprá.

Ice and Snow how»to be preserv'd in Chasse, and how Snow-houses are made in Livorn, 8. 139.

Insects, in swarms pernicious in some Countries; the cause of them, and what Remedies, 8. 139. some Insects, commonly believed poysonous, not so, by M. Fairfax, n. 22.

To find the Julian period by a new and easie way, 18. 324.

Jupiter's Rotation by degrees discover'd in England and Italy, n. 1, p. 3. n. 4. p. 75. n. 8. p. 143. n. 9. p. 173. n. 12. p. 209. n. 14. p. 245.


KErmes, how gather'd and used for Coloration, describ'd with many considerables, 20. 362.


LIght, to examine what figure or celerity of motion begetteth or increaseth Light or Flame in some Bodies, by D. Beale, 13. p. 226. Shining Worms found in Oysters, 12. 203. The Bononian Stone duly prepar'd continues light once imbibed above any other substance yet known amongst us, 21. 375. The loss of the way of preparing the same for shining, feared, ibid.

Longitudes at Sea, how to be ascertain'd by Pendulum-Watches, 1. 13.

Lungs and Windpipes in Sheep and Oxen strangely stopt with Hand-Balls of Grass, 6. 100.


MArbles, that a liquor may be made to color them, piercing into them, 7. 125.

Mars, by what steps and degrees of diligence discover'd to be turbinated, both in England and Italy. Compare n. 10. p. 198. and n. 14. 239, 242. see the Schemes there.

May-dew examin'd by various Experiments, by M. Henshaw, 3. 33.

Mechanical Principles in a Geometrical method, explicating the nature or operation of Plants, Animals, 8. 325.

Medecins in China consist for the most part of Simples Decoctions, Cauteries, Frictions, without the use of Blood-letting, 14, 249. The Physicians there, commended for speedy Cares; and easie, ibid.

Mediterranean Sea, whether it may be join'd with the Ocean, debated, 3. 41.

Micrography epitomized, 2. 27. M. Auzout's Objections to a part of it; vid. the new way of grinding Spherical Glasses by a Turn-lath, 4. 57. M. Hooks answer thereunto, 4. 64. both at large.

Mercury-Mines in Friuli, and the way of getting it out of the earth, 2. 21.

Mineral Inquiries, see Directions, Engins, Artificial Instruments. Mineral at Liege yielding Brimstone and Vitriol; and the way of extracting them, 3. 35. How Adits and Mines are wrought at Liege, 5. 79. A Stone in Sueden yielding Sulphur, Vitriol, Allum and Minium, and how, 21. 375. See Kircher's Mundus Subterraneus abbr. 6. 109.

Monsters, a Calf deform'd, and a great stone found in a Cows womb, n. 1. 10. a Colt with a double eye in one place, 583.

Moons Diameter how to be taken, and why increased in the Solar Eclipse of Jun. 22, 1666. n. 2. p. 373. see Planets. What discoverable in the Moon, and what not. Moons Eclipses how to take without inconvenience, 457.

Mulberry-Trees how to be cut low, and easie to be reach'd, for relief of Silk-worms, in China, 14. 249. in Virginia, 12. 202. see Silk.


NIle's Inundations, the cause attributed to Niter, by Dela Chambre; opposed by Vossius. See both in the List of Books, 14. 251. and 17. 304.

The North-Countries of Poland, Sweden, Denmark, &c. are warm'd by the influence of the Royal Society, 19. 344.

O. Oceans