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Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 001.djvu/422

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of blood, 20. 353. The organ and nature of Taste, 20. 366.

Salt too much stiffens and destroys the Body, 8. 138.

II.SIngularities of Nature severely examin'd.

The ordering of Kermes for Color. n. 20. 362.

How the Salamander quencheth Fire, and lives by licking the Earth. n. 21. 377.

Whether Swallows do lie under water in Winter, and revive in Summer? n. 19. 350.

Whether the Hungarian Bolus like the Armenus? 1. 11.

Rattle-Snakes how kill'd in Virginia, 3. 43.

Snakes and Vipers how they differ, see Snakes above.

The Qualities and Productions of May-dew, 3. 1.

Damps in Mines how they kill, 3. 44.

Teeth growing in aged persons, 21. 380.

Steams and Expiration's of the Body how stopp'd; and the stoppage dangerous or mortal, 8. 138.

Shining Worms in Oysters, 12. 203.

III.ARts, or Aids for the discovery or use of things Natural.

See Artificial Instruments in the Table.

Agriculture, see the Inquiries, 5. 91.

English Vineyards vindicated, see in the Catalogue of Books.

Geometry, see Euclid methodized for Facility, Fermat: in the Catalogue of Books.

Astronomy, see Astromonical Remarks. Bullialdus, Hevelius, Comets, Planets, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Moon, Eclipses.

Opticks, see that Head in the Table.

Picture, see that Head in P. and Felibien in the Catalogue of Books.

How to paint Marbles within, see the Head Marble

Pendulum Watches to ascertain Longitudes at Sea, 1. 13.

Whale-fishing about Bermudas, 1. 11. and 8. 132.

Silk-trade sollicited in France, Virginia, see Silk in the Table.

Eeles how to be found in Frosts, 17. 323.

Winds raised to blow by the fall of water without Bellows, 2. 25. shew'd in a Cutt.

Elephants enraged, how to escape or subdue, 18. 328.

Seas and vast waters, whether they may be united to the main Ocean, 3. 41.

To proportion the distance necessary to burn Bodies by the Sun, and shewing, why the Reflections from the Moon and other Planets do not burn, 4. 69.

The Art of making Salt-Peeter, as practised in the Mogols Dominions, 6. 103.

To make China-Dishes, 14. 249. expected from Seigneur Septalio to be made in Europe, 7. 127.

To convey blood of one Animal, or other Liquors, into the blood of another Animal, 20. 353.

To preserve Ice and Snow by Chasse, 8. 138.

To preserve Ships from being Worm-eaten, 11. 190.

To preserve Birds taken out of the Eggs, or other small Fœtus's, for Anatomical, or other Discoveries, 12. 199.

To allay the heat in hottest Summer, for Diet or Delight, 15. 255.

Remedies against extream Cold suggested, 21. 379.

Trees of Oak as black as Ebony discover'd, and taken up out of Moors and Marshes in draughty weather, 11. 323.


That though in this last Head there is repeated the Transfusion of Blood, because the Operation is an Art requiring diligence, and a practised hand to perform it for all advantagious Discoveries, and so to be distinguish'd from the Anatomical Account; yet that there is not affected noise and number, may well appear by reviewing and comparing the particulars of Artificial Instruments in the
