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are agitated thereby, is always accompanied by some thoughts or other; and that in speech there are always two things inseparably joyned, viz, the Formation of the voice, which cannot proceed but from the Body, and the signification or Idea joyn'd with it, which cannot come but from the soul.

II. DE I'NFINITIS SPIRALIBUS INVERSIS, IN FINlTISQUE HYPERBOLlS,, aliisq; Geometriticis Auth. F. Stephano de Angelis, Veneto. Patavis, in 4°.

This Author treateth here concerning the Figures mention'd in the Title (measuring their Area's) very accurately and geometrically,; as also concerning several other things, conducing to the perfection of Geometry. He mentions one of these spirals to be the Line described by a Heavy body, falling towards the Center of the earth, supposing the Earths Motion; where also he touches the controversie betwixt himself and Riccioli; of which we discoursed more at large in the next foregoing Number.

III. Michaelis Angeli Ricci Exercitatio Geometrica; in 4° printed at Rome.

This Book is re-printed in London, for Mos. Pitts in Little-Britain and annex'd to Logarithmotechnia N. Mercatoris, printed for the same; of which latter we intend to entertain the Reader in our next, (God permitting.) It was thought fit to be so reprinted, partly, by reason of its scarseness, there being but a few printed for the Author in Italy, but chiefly, by reason of the excellency of the Argument, which is, de Maximis & Minimis, or the Doctrine of Limits: Wherein (according to the account of the Intelligent Mr. J. C.) the Author shews a deep Judgement in discovering a Medium to reduce the lately found out Analytical Doctrine de Maximis & Minimis to pure Geometry.

The Tract it self is every small, being but little more than two sheets of Paper; wherein is demonstrated the Doctrine of Caravagio de Applicationibus, who affirms, that he, who is ignorant therein, may mispend his time about Æquations, in searching
