The 21. measureth the 2d Section in a Sphere and Spheroid, which may be of use to measure the midle Zone of a Spheroid, cut by a Plane parallel to the axis; i.e. when the superfice of the liquor cuts the head of the Cask.
The 24th measureth right Cylindrick Hoofs, viz. Circular, Elliptick, Parabolick and Hyperbolick, and may be used for the measuring of Brewers leaning Vessels.
To these is added a Table of Squares and Cubes, very useful in finding the portions of a Sphere, Spheroid, Parabolick and Hyperbolick Conoides.
IN this small Tract is delivered out of the best Writers of this Subject, and the Author his own practice and observations, the Nature, Qualities, and Uses of the Stagg. In it is particularly considered the Longevity of this Animal, and its cause conjectured at, viz. the plenty of a Balsamick preservative Salt, with which 'tis said Nature hath stored this above many other Animals: Then the successive growth and annual casting off of its horns, together with the causes thereof, is examined, viz. its superabundance of Salin Juyce protruded, and then condensed by the Air (witness the great plenty of volatil Salt, that may be obtained out of those Hornes, as well as out of the blond and urine of the Stagg:) which matter being continually furnished from the body of the Animal, and passing uncessantly to the head, forceth away the old horns, and yearly substitutes new in their room.
But the Author chiefly and largely insists on the several uses of the parts of a Stagg, which he finds to be very many, and of divers kinds, viz. Ornamental, Mechanical, Culinary and Medicinal. Among the Culinary, he commends the young downy horns for a very delicious dish, used by the Grandees. And, as to the Medicinal, he enumerateth a vast number of them, especially of the volatile Salt, Spirit, Oyle, Magisrery, made of the several parts of the Stagg; where he inserts the particular uses of the