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Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 003.djvu/19

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Monday, April 13. 1668

The Contents.

The squaring of the Hyperbola by an infinite series of Rational Numbers, together with its Demonstration, by the Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Brouncker.An Extract of a Letter sent from Danzick, touching some Chymical, Medicinal and Anatomical particulars.Two Letters, written by Dr. John Wallis to the Publisher; One, concerning the Variety of the Annual High-Tides in respect to several places: the other, concerning some Mistakes of a Book entituled SPECIMINA MATHEMATICA Francisci Dulaurens, especially touching a certain Probleme, affirm'd to have been proposed by Dr. Wallis to the Mathematicians of all Europe, for a solution.An Account of some Observations concerning the true Time of the Tydes, by Mr. Hen. Philips. An Account of three Books:I. W. SENGWERDIUS PH.D. de Tarantula.II. REGNERI de GRAEF M.D. Epistola de nonnullis circa Partes Genitales Inventis Novis.III. JOHANNIS van HORNE M.D. Observationum suarum circa Partes Genitales in utroque sexu, PRODROMUS.

The Squaring of the Hyperbola, by an infinite series of Rational Numbers, together with its Demonstration, by that Eminent Mathematician, the Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Brouncker.

WHat the Acute Dr. John Wallis had intimated, some years since, in the Dedication of his Answer to M. Melbomius de proportionibus, vid. That the World one day would learn from the Noble Lord Brounker the Quadrature of the Hyperbole; the Ingenious Reader may see performed in the subjoined operation, which its Excellent Author was now pleased to communicate, as followeth in his own words;
