An Alphabetical Table.
797. with Inquiries, and particulars, and further promises to Ever-greens and Kitching-gardens, ibid.
KIdneys, a concrete of small glanduls, &c. n. 44. See Malpighi in the Title of Books.
LAudanum Simplex of Mr. Le Fevre preferr'd upon Experience before some other kinds, 37, 719.
Light, or Shining Flyes in Jamaica, which can contract or expand their light, as they flye. 36, 705.
Lice, where and how bred most, 37, 72.
Lice, call'd Chego's, of a very malignant nature in Barbado's, 36, 705.
Liver, is a conglomerate Glandul, against D. Wharton: its office and use, &c. n. 44.
Long Life, constant health to the Natives, sweet Air in Bermudas, and same partes of Virginia near Florida, 40, 794.
MAthematicals. The Squaring of the Hyperbola by an infinite Series of Rational numbers, by the Lord Viscount Brouncker, 34, 645. Mr. Gregory's Defence of his Cicruli & Hyperbolæ Quadratura, in reference to M. Hugenius, 37, 732. A reply of the same to Mr. Hugenius his Answer, n. 44. Du Laurens his Specimina Mathematica animadverted on by Dr. Wallis, 34. 654. & 38, 744. & 39, 775. & 41, 825.
Motion. A Summary Accompt of the General Laws of it, by Dr. Wallis and Dr. Wren, 43, 854, 857.
Motion of the Earth. See Earth's motion.
The Magnetical Variation, taken near Bristol, June 13, 1666, not 1668, Correct the Printers Erratum. n. 37. p. 716.
Magnetical Variations predicted for many yeares following, as at London, from an Hypothesis yet concealed, 40, 789.
Manchinel Tree in Jamaica, a Malignant Wood, but of an excellent Graine, used by the Spaniards For Bed-steads, by the English for Floores, 36, 706.
Mariners, How they make a Boat to ride at Anchor in the Main-Sea, described, 36, 707.
Medical Directions for Sea-Voyages, 36, 708, & 37, 719. See Answers from Jamaica.
Mineral and Chymical Observations from Spain and Mexico, 41, 837.
A Nut in Jamaica, which purgeth same, saileth to purge others; the Dose uncertain, 37 719.
A Nutmeg, call'd Thieving, one alone put into a whole Room-ful of Nutmegs, corrupts them all, 43, 853.
OCular Aydes for a decay'd sight, when all Spectacles faile, 37, 727. See Eye-sights.
Optical Improvements; by Mr. Smethwick, in a Figure not-Spherical, 33, 631, Glasses, how turned at Paris by a Turn-lath, 40, 795. A way to turn convex Spherical Glasses on a Plain, represented here in Cuts, 42, 837. A Microscope of a new fashion, raking in large Objects, and discovering more minute Bodies, than formerly discover'd, 42, 842.
An Optical Contrivance for strange visions, or Apparitions, 38, 741.
The Optick Nerve and Vision by a New Experiment, examin'd, 35, 668.
Osteo-colla, 39, 771.
Oyle of Palma-Christi in Jamaica, plentiful;, sweet, delicate, and transparent, but ineffectual in Clysters: It might be a Staple-Commodity, 36, 7O5.
An Oyle very fragrant; drawn out of the Barke of the Tree Lawang. See Answers; from Java-Major, 43. 863.
PAlmetto highly extoll'd, a livelihood in Bermudas, 40, 795.
Poyson-weed in Bermudas dangerously poisonous to some, not so to others, 40, 794.
Poysonous Juyce to Man, Hoggs, and Powltry in the Manioc or Cassavi; but if