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ons. All these things or notions he represents in a Scheme, and reduces them to forty Genus's.

The Third part treats of such helps and lnstruments, as are requisite for the framing of these more simple Notions into continued Speech or Discourse; which may therefore be stiled the Organical or Instrumental Part, and doth comprehend the Art of Natural or Philosophical Grammar.

In the Fourth, he shews, How these more general Rules may be applyed to particular kinds of Characters, and Languages giving an Instance of each. To which he adjoyns, by way of Appendix, a Discourse shewing the advantage of such a kind of Philosophical Character and Langnage, above any of those which are now known; more particularly above that, which is of most general use in these parts of the World, namely, the Latine.

Lastly, There is added a Dictionary of the English Tongue, in which is shewn, How all the words of this Language, according to the various equivocal senses of them, may be sufficiently expressed by the Philosophical Tables here proposed.

This is the Method, in which the Author hath treated of this considerable subject; concerning which he addresses his desires to the R. Society, to whom he dedicateth this Book, that they would appoint some of their Number, thoroughly to examine and consider the whole, and to suggest, what they judge fit to be amended in it. Which desire of his hath already been so farr entertain'd, that several of the Fellows of that Society have been nominated, and desired to peruse the Book with attention, and thereupon to make a Report accordingly, for the furthering and facilitating the Practice of what is therein aimed at.

IV. STANISLAI De LUBIENIETZ THEATRUM COMETICUM, duabus partibus constans; quarum Altera, Cometas A. 1664 & 1665, vaiis Virorum per Europam Clarissimorum, cum quibus Author de hoc Argumento contulit, Observationibus, dissertationibus, animadversionibus, descriptos & 59. Figuris æneis illustratos, fos, exhibet: Ahera, continet Historam 415. Cometarum, à tempore Diluvii ad A. 1665. cum 25. Figuris, & accurato indi-
